4 - Resurfaced Memories

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Remembering the dumpling that remained in his hand, Dimitri took another bite into his snack. It had cooled down considerably, no longer scorching his mouth as he felt the soft meat beneath his teeth. He and Ingrid decided to approach Felix and Sylvain first - the two being the only of the Blue Lions in sight - and watched as the red-headed Margrave poked his partner in the ribs.

"If it isn't His Kingliness! And Ms. Galatea, the Knight of Blaiddyd!" Sylvain's personality was as big as ever.

"Shut up," was Ingrid's greeting to him.

"Whatever could've brought the boar and his puppet knight over to us?" And Felix's personality was as... unsavoury as ever. "Surely the King has bigger and better things to be doing tonight than talking to his subjects?"

Dimitri couldn't contain a smile. Felix bowed to nobody. That much hadn't changed. "It's good to see you too, Felix."

The Duke gave a contented nod of salutations towards him.

"Now, now, stop playing coy, you two. Should we be expecting your nuptials any time soon?" Ingrid smirked.

Felix's pale face grew red at once, brow contorting with rage. "What--!?" he spluttered, just as Sylvain laughed:

"You saw that?"

"Sylvain!" Felix hissed.

Something swelled in Dimitri's chest as he watched the two men bicker; they were utterly unchanged. Sylvain's eyes had lost some of their devilish gall to be replaced with a warm softness, and Felix had finally figured how to comb his hair stylishly, but their squabbling sent Dimitri's brain hurtling back to their academy days, watching Sylvain ruffle Felix's feathers after inevitably annoying him somehow. He felt himself crack a smile, and his chest bubbled over as a hearty laugh escaped his throat.

His joyous outburst hushed the two men at once. "What's gotten into you?" Sylvain smiled.

"Finally lost it," spat Felix.

"He's laughing at you, you clowns," Ingrid told them.

"You call us clowns when this jester over here hoots like a drunkard? I don't even know what's so funny." Felix frowned, raising an eyebrow as Dimitri dissolved into little chuckles.

"You two," he said at last. "Bickering. Why, I'd mistake you for an old married couple already!"

Felix's cheeks began to glow once again. "Say another word, Boar. I'll have your tongue for insolence."

"Are you forgetting who you're talking to? This is your king," Ingrid's voice was patronisingly slow. "Can you not see that, or are you too busy getting lost in Sylvain's eyes?"

The Duke of Fraldarius - evidently forgetting his title - lunged towards the woman, only to be grabbed by Sylvain. He made indignant squawks, trying to wrestle from the other man's grip, but Sylvain spoke over him. "Oh, yeah. You should hear the banal drivel he comes at me with."

"Sylvain--!" Felix warned.

"Like what!?" Ingrid cooed.

"Oh, Margrave Gautier, you make my life worth living--!" Sylvain began in a mocking tone, only to have his lover wrench free of his grasp and push him in the chest.

"In what world have I ever said that!?"

Watching the three friends chat so easily, getting wound up and sharing jokes like old times... Dimitri's heart began to pound a little harder, finally seeming to break from its icy confines. He'd almost dreaded seeing the faces of his friends upon hearing about the festival, collapsing into a worried mess in Dedue's arms while panicking about if he'd face backlash. Now he was here, though, everything felt right. It felt as though no time had passed - as though...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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