Chapter 5. The Boy

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Victor's gaze on the canvas resembles some sort of uneasiness. In the back of my head, I was laughing uncontrollably. But in front of him, I maintain the calm exterior. "Will this do?" I asked him after noticing his silence for a while. He is snapped back to reality at the sound of my voice.

"Ah! Yes, yes. This will do. Rebecca will love it," he said, smiling hypocritically.

I smile back at him. "Then I'll prepare the rest of the arrangement. Like some sort of exhibition. Should we place it in the middle of the banquet so that she'll see it the moment she enters?" I suggested, imagining the arrangement in my head for the lady's surprise birthday party.

Victor nods his head at me, grinning widely. I can tell he is appreciating my beauty in his mind. He was staring at me from head to toe, thinking of forbidden thoughts. "I'll entrust that to you," he simply said. He then places one of his arms on my shoulders. "Say... Adrian, will you stay for dinner? Maybe we can discuss more about it then?" He proposed as his hand slips from my shoulder down to my waist and he stops there, caressing softly.

A chuckle escapes my mouth without me even realizing it. He looks troubled at my reaction. I slowly and softly remove his hand from where he had comfortably laid on. "Mr. Klaus, I have a midnight exhibition later today. I'll see you the day before the party. Will that be okay with you?"

He looks disappointed at my rejection. The party was supposed to be held last Saturday but due to Lady Rebecca's business meeting oversea, it had to be rescheduled to Thursday night next week so that leaves five more days before we will start with the preparation. He is reluctant to let me leave, I can tell. "Then can we have dinner tomorrow night or the next?" He persuaded. "I own a hotel near the city's centre. We can dine there."

"You really can't tell rejection when you hear one, do you?" A voice echoed from behind us causing us both to turn to the direction of the garden. A boy on a wheelchair looks at us with scrutinizing eyes and a sly smile.

"Devon..." Victor called out. "What are you doing here? Can't you see I have some business here?" He said sternly towards the boy. Now that I look closely at the boy, I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed. When I first saw him from afar, I thought that he is younger. But now, I realize that he is a young man with slender body, a cast covered one of his legs, and a pretty face full of youth.

He has broad shoulders. A scar is slightly showcased over one of his eyebrows, making him look like a delinquent. I dare say he is beautiful but not my cup of tea. He eyes me up and down before smiling again like a rogue. "Business of flirting?" He insinuated towards Victor.

With that said, Victor slams his fist on his table. I look down on the table and feel relief that he didn't slam it on the painting or that will definitely anger me. "Devon!" He shouted. "Watch your mouth. This is our guest!"

I put a hand on Victor's arm to calm him down and smile. "Mr. Klaus, it's alright," I coaxed. And then I smile over at the boy, trying to read him. "Devon, is it?" I asked and walk closer to him but stop dead in my track when I realize something. I look at him and he looks at me. Our eyes met for the longest time. The sly smile plastered on his face never subside while my own smile diminish slowly. I try to control the dread I'm feeling deep inside and fakes a smile yet again. "Don't worry, I am already leaving," I simply stated.

Victor tries to stop me but I quickly pull myself back and take the painting on the table, rushing to get out of the study. My heart is beating wildly... in fear. I refuse to take another glance at the boy. When I reach the driveway of the manor, my heart calms down a bit. I look back towards the manor. What a sick joke. That boy... I can't read his mind at all! And he is not affected by my face or my aura. He is invincible to my abilities! And that can only mean one thing...

©️TsukinoMigoto, 2020march26


Next Update: 2022/11/15


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