Crystal Calls and Charizards

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The crystal in Amika's wrist vibrated, making her hand shake. She glanced down, tapping it, then returned to her work. Finishing wrapping the wing of the injured Charizard, she tossed the bandages in the air and beamed them into the crystal.

The Charizard nudged her head, and she twisted around, rubbing it under the chin. It had been injured by an abusive Pokemon trainer, and she had found it in the forest outside of Kanto, alone and with its flame almost out. The ears on the top of her head, which looked like a Fennekin's, perked forward in a show of friendship. The Charizard reared it's head back and roared, surrounding itself with a red light.

'Friend.' It said. 'I give you the gift of Blast Burn.'

Amika gasped slightly, and Charizard glanced down at her. Blast Burn was the strongest Fire Type move in existence- and one of the only Fire Type moves she didn't have. For Charizard to allow her to use it was a great show of trust and friendship.

'Use it well, and it will help you along your journey.' The red light engulfed Amika, and she held up her arm so the crystal on her wrist could accept the power.

Ever since she befriended her very first Pokemon when she was six, Amika could understand and converse with them. She could turn off that ability when necessary, but most of the time she left it on so she could hear the difference between a cry for help and a call for a mate.

The red light swirled into the crystal, briefly lighting it up. "Thank you," She said to Charizard. "I'm deeply honored."

"Char." It rumbled. Sometimes, Pokemon just made noise, without anything coherent to say. Charizard bumped her wrist with its nose.

"Oh, you want me to try it, don't you." Amika grinned. "Alright." Standing up, she gathered her powers together, calling on the full force of the Fire Types she had befriended over the years. At almost 14, she had around 8 years worth of Pokemon friends.

The crystal glowed, and she leaned her head back, arms spread to the wind that whipped around them. Her tail, resembling a Midday Form Lycanroc, billowed in the wind. "Blast Burn," She whispered, while forming a spark between her fingers. As that spark grew, Charizard leaped behind a rock.

When Charizard managed to pull his face from behind his wing, he saw Amika, silhouetted by fire that burned around her. A half-acre of land had been completely razed, leaving huge trees as nothing but charred stumps. As she collapsed after exerting so much power, Charizard swooped in, catching her.

Setting her down in the unburned grass, the Flame Pokemon leaned down and nudged her face. Amika's eyes blinked open, and Charizard looked at her. 'I was worried. Please don't do that again until you know you won't collapse.'

"Alright, alright, I won't." She reached up and rubbed its snout. "But that move is supposed to be draining. I've worked with Delphox's and Incineroar's trying to learn this move, and once any of them finally got it, they slept for a day afterward. Of course, the sleeping time got less and less the more they practiced it, but still..." She trailed off.

'Char... yes, I suppose you're right.' Charizard relented. 'Just be careful, okay?'

"I will. Don't you worry." Hauling herself up, she touched her forehead to Charizard's. Just then, her crystal buzzed again, indicating an incoming call from a Pokemon. "Sorry, Char. I gotta take this."

She stepped away and pressed her right thumb to the crystal. It was embedded in the top of her left wrist, and it was the source of her ability to utilize the different Pokemon moves. A hologram beamed out of it, and the Totem Gumshoos, from Melemele Island in the Alola Region, appeared in front of them.

'Gumshoos...' It whined. The video closed, and Amika looked back and forth from the hologram to Charizard.

"It's hurt. Charizard, I offer you my sincere and profound apologies, but I really must go. Here, take this." She pulled a smaller crystal, no bigger than a pea, out of her bag. Placing between the eyes of Charizard, the small crystal glowed and disappeared. "If you're ever in trouble, the crystal will alert me, just like the one I gave to Totem Gumshoos."

'Thank you. Now go, other Pokemon need you.' Charizard snorted, then lumbered off through the trees.

"Alright." Amika swiped nimble fingers through the tangible hologram in front of her, calculating the distance to Alola from where she was standing. 8 hours, flying. But if I use Teleport... She gathered her energy and blinked away from the forest, away from Kanto, away from the land of Gyms and Leagues, towards the land of Z-Crystals and Island Guardians. All the way to... the middle of the ocean.


"AHHHHHHH!!" Amika screamed as she fell towards the blue water below. Just before she struck the water, large, Tundra Pattern Vivillon wings appeared from her back. They were mainly light blue, with black on the ends and some white patterns. She wound up, and shot off towards the setting sun, leaving a rainbow trail behind her.


Who exactly is Amika? Why can she use Pokemon abilities? And what's gonna happen to the Totem Gumshoos?

All will be revealed... as the journey continues!

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