Don't Trust Anyone

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After being brought by the Gojo clan and living in their residence, Enkaku began to have some strange dreams. In the dreamland he was always lying on red water or could it be blood? He was sinking in this red water slowly, feeling the chillness and the stickiness of the liquid.

"It's been a long time since the last time I saw you."

Enkaku heard someone talking but he couldn't see anyone beside him.

He looked around but there was only red water and countless of black spider lilies. The voice seemed to come from every direction surrounding him so Enkaku couldn't find the owner of the voice either.

"Who are you?" He asked loudly.

But no one answered his question instead the voice said: "You're different from other people who can see me. You don't fear me nor do you worship me like the others."

Enkaku furrowed his brows because he couldn't understand what the voice meant. Who feared or worshipped whom? What did that voice want from him? Was he seeing this weird dreamland just because of the voice? Enkaku didn't know any answers to those questions so he decided to ask the voice directly.

"What do you want from me?" He asked.

The voice was silent for a while then said: "You met Michizane and spent a few years at his side, where is he now?"

Enkaku felt uneasy because he knew Michizane disappeared without trace, but why would this voice care about him? And how did the voice know that he had met Michizane before?

"Michizane vanished without trace and I don't know anything about him." Enkaku replied truthfully.

"That man would never share his past with anyone, as the things he did were atrocious. Once again, I was unable to kill him with my own hands." The voice muttered bitterly.

Enkaku couldn't help asking: "Are you Kidomaru? Why don't you show yourself if you're the black flower?"

The voice burst into laughter. Enkaku felt goosebumps all over his body because it sounded very creepy. It seemed like many voices laughed together.

"He even told you my name!" The voice stated firmly and added, "That's right, I'm Kidomaru."

Enkaku frowned because he felt there was something wrong with Kidomaru's tone. "Michizane was a very kind person, he would never do something atrocious like you said." He argued.

Kidomaru chuckled lightly then said: "I know everything about him more than anyone else. His true nature is cruel and merciless like a demon, he will use any methods possible to achieve his goals. If you still believe he's kind, you better not trust him anymore."

Enkaku was lost in thought because Kidomaru's words echoed in his mind continuously. He didn't think Michizane lied to him nor he wanted to doubt him. However, he felt Kidomaru said the truth as well.

For now he must find more about the past linking those two, so he asked a question. "Why do you hate him so much? Are you enemies?"

Kidomaru sighed deeply then said. "Michizane was once a dear friend, but what he did to me has no name."

Enkaku furrowed his brows because Kidomaru's tone sounded sad. Michizane betrayed his friend? But why? He kept pondering about that matter.

"You don't need to think so much about what he did to me, you'll know my story soon enough." Kidomaru muttered softly then added: "Just remember this advice, don't trust the child of god blindly. Otherwise you will suffer too."

Enkaku woke up abruptly because he felt someone shaking his body violently. He opened his eyes and saw Gojo Satoru staring at him.

He rubbed his eyes and asked. "What's wrong?"

Thousand Years War: Devil's Child Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora