Wish Consequences

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Still holding Michizane in his arms, the child called out to him. "Michizane?" Enkaku whimpered, shaking him slightly. "Michizane answer me!"

He sobbed, Michizane was dead. His beloved guardian died, protecting him. Suddenly, footsteps approached him, reminding him that the villagers wanted to kill him. Shocked, he stared at the bow pointed at him, trembling in fear. The archer pulled the string, ready to shoot. Enkaku closed his eyes, accepting his fate.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed the arrow, stopping it from being shot. Confused, the little boy opened his eyes, noticing that Michizane was not dead yet. Slowly, he rose up, staring at the villager emotionless. Enkaku widened his eyes shocked, Michizane was alive?! The white haired man yanked the arrow out of the bow, crushing it into pieces. The villager was horrified, backing away. Michizane stared at him with empty eyes, grabbing the villager by the throat.

"Michizane?!" Enkaku exclaimed scared, what was happening?!

He tightened his grip, suffocating the villager. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't breathe, struggling to escape Michizane's grasp. Enkaku watched the scene terrified, Michizane killed the villager merciless. After strangling the man to death, he let go of the corpse, staring at the other villagers emotionless.

"H-Hey what's wrong with him?! Is he possessed by the devil's child?!" Another villager exclaimed terrified.

Michizane snapped out of his trance, touching his forehead, realizing what he had done. Enkaku ran towards him, hugging him tightly. Tears streamed down his cheeks, relieved that his guardian was still alive. The chief retreated, fleeing from Michizane's house. The other villagers saw how their leader ran away, so they did the same, fearing for their lives.

After the incident, because Michizane lost his mind when he was about to die, he isolated himself from Enkaku, refusing to talk to him. Worried, the little boy begged him to tell him what's wrong, but he always ignored him, locking himself in his room. Days passed, and Michizane continued ignoring Enkaku, isolating himself furthermore.

"Why are you ignoring me?!" Enkaku shouted frustrated, banging against the fusuma. "Michizane, please open the door! Talk to me!"

Silence, Michizane didn't answered. Enkaku clenched his fists, angry at his guardian. Why was he ignoring him?! Didn't Michizane promised to protect him?! To never leave him alone?! Frustrated, he banged against the fusuma once more. Suddenly, the door opened, Enkaku stumbled inside, falling on top of Michizane. The white haired man caught him, preventing Enkaku from hurting himself.

"Michizane?!" Enkaku exclaimed surprised, staring at him stunned.

He averted his gaze, avoiding Enkaku's eyes. "Sorry..."

Michizane talked to him! Happily, he hugged him tightly, clinging onto him. Relieved, he returned the hug, apologizing for ignoring him. Enkaku sobbed, burying his face into Michizane's chest.

"I thought you hated me, that you'll leave me too." He sobbed quietly.

Michizane tightened the hug, stroking Enkaku's hair gently. "I would never hate you, I'm sorry for making you worry."

They remained in that position for a while, Enkaku crying quietly, while Michizane comforted him. Later, they laid together in bed, cuddling. Michizane apologized once more, kissing Enkaku's forehead. Exhausted from the long day, he closed his eyes, falling asleep. The white haired man watched him fondly, stroking his hair gently.

"Sleep well, Enkaku, tomorrow is a new day." Michizane whispered, closing his eyes too.

Years passed since the incident, and Enkaku grew older, becoming stronger every day. Michizane trained him daily, making sure that he becomes a strong warrior. Today was no different, they trained under a tree, practicing sword fighting. Sweat dripped down their faces, exhausted from the harsh training. Michizane wiped the sweat away, praising Enkaku for his improvement.

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