Stay By My Side

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After living with Michizane for a couple of weeks, Enkaku noticed that the white-haired man was a very lazy person. Always getting up late, spending most of his time relaxing under a tree. Sometimes, Michizane would complain about headaches, rubbing his forehead whenever they occurred. Enkaku worried for him, was Michizane sick? Nevertheless, the child enjoyed living with him, he was kind, and cared for him. Unlike his father.

But waking him up every morning was a hassle, since Michizane always complained and wanted to sleep all day. Today he followed the same routine as always, going to Michizane's room to wake him up. Enkaku knocked on the fusuma, entering afterwards. Michizane laid in a futon, sleeping peacefully. Sighing, Enkaku climbed on top of the futon, shaking Michizane lightly.

"Michizane, wake up!"

"Mhmm five minutes..." Michizane mumbled, turning around.

Enkaku frowned, annoyed by Michizane's laziness. Five minutes became ten, and after twenty minutes of trying to wake up Michizane, he decided to use force. He grabbed Michizane's futon, taking it away. Startled, he sat up, looking at Enkaku tiredly.

"What was that for?" He yawned.

"Wake up already! You have work to do!" Enkaku pouted, crossing his arms.

Michizane rubbed his eyes, nodding. "Yeah yeah I will get dressed, wait for me outside."

Enkaku left the room, waiting for Michizane like he told him. Minutes later, he emerged from his bedroom, heading towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Afterwards, they sat together eating balanced food. Although Michizane seemed lazy, he actually worked hard, earning enough money to provide food for them both. After breakfast, they parted ways, Enkaku watching the house, while Michizane went to work.

The boy rarely left the house, he did not want to cause problems for Michizane, since the villagers began to hate him the moment he brought the devil's child to his home. But Enkaku didn't mind staying inside, even though there was nothing to do.


Michizane worked as a traveling merchant, but since he decided to take care of Enkaku, he thought about staying in the village for a while longer. He didn't mind working as a travelling merchant, but Enkaku needed him, thus he stayed in the village, selling goods on the market place. Every time he sold the merchandise, the owner always warned him about the devil's child, telling the young man to stay away from that kid before misfortune befell him. Michizane always ignored their warnings, Enkaku was a sweet child, causing no harm to him or the village.

And even if a misfortune befell him, he still wouldn't abandon him, because he promised to take care of him.

At night, Michizane returned home, exhausted from the long day. Enkaku greeted him expressionless, serving dinner. They ate quietly, until Michizane opened his mouth to ask Enkaku a question.

"Did you see a black spider lily in the forest?"

Enkaku froze, memories of his encounter with the flower flashed trough his mind. The black lily saved him, guiding him out of the forest. Michizane noticed the change of behavior, urging Enkaku to tell him. Hesitantly, he explained what happened back then, after meeting the black lily. Michizane listened carefully, asking questions whenever he wanted to know something. After finishing the story, he smiled.

"Thank you for telling me, you did a great job surviving all alone in the forest." He praised Enkaku, ruffling his hair. "It seems like Kidomaru would never lay a finger on a child."

Enkaku tilted his head, confused by Michizane's words. Kidomaru? Who was that? Seeing the confused expression on his face, the white-haired man chuckled.

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