Important Matter

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Enkaku did not receive any food for almost a week, however, he does not regret what he did. If he was given a second chance he wouldn't change anything, helping that child made him feel alive. For the first time in his life he helped someone and felt proud of himself. Enkaku doesn't regret risking his life, because he would do it again.

Mai visited Enkaku a couple of times, since her slave was forbidden to leave his filthy room, but she only saw his face a few times and to make sure he was still alive. Mai doesn't care about him, she just accepted him because he was handsome and her father Ogi offered him to her.

On the seventh day, Naoya ordered Enkaku to leave his room, he was planning to ruin his father's meeting with the Gojo clan. But make it seem like it was Enkaku's fault, after all, Naoya wanted that filthy slave to leave the Zenin residence.

"You look like a dog picked up from the street, I never saw a slave as disgusting as you." Naoya pushed Enkaku, forcing him to walk.

Since Ogi beat him up pretty badly and no one treated his wounds properly, Enkaku doesn't have the strength to fight back, not only because of his injuries, but also because of the fact that he hasn't eaten anything for the past seven days.

Naoya ordered Enkaku to stay near the main gate and not move from that place. The head of the Gojo clan along with his wife and son will walk through that door at any moment, they will surely feel disgusted at the sight of Enkaku, and Naoya could finally achieve his goal.

He hides nearby, watching carefully as the gate opens, showing his father Naobito escorting the members of the Gojo clan. Naobito stopped when he saw Enkaku standing near the gate, eyes narrowing in disgust.

"What are you doing here? You're not supposed to leave your room." Naobito demanded angrily.

Enkaku lowered his head remaining silent, Naobito frowned and slapped him.

"You dare to ignore my question, you are nothing more than a filthy slave." He clenched his jaw.

Before Enkaku could open his mouth to answer, Satoru interrupted him.

"Don't hurt him. Father, mother, he is the young mister who saved my life." Satoru grabbed his father's haori.

Sayuri covered her mouth in surprise, Akifumi gaped astonished. Naobito raised his eyebrows puzzled.

"Excuse me, what did you say?" The head of the clan asked confused.

Satoru released his father's haori, answering the question honestly.

"He's the young mister who saved my life from some bad guys that wanted to kidnap me, don't hurt him, please." Satoru begged clasping his hands together.

Enkaku widened his eyes surprised, lowering his gaze feeling guilty for causing problems to those people.

Naobito glanced at the slave. "Even so, he is a slave who disobeyed my brother's orders, he must be punished."

Enkaku remained silent, lowering his gaze feeling even more guilty. Sayuri approached him, gently grabbing his hand surprising everyone around them.

"Thank you very much for saving my son. Do you want to become a servant of the Gojo household?" She suggested smiling softly.

Enkaku looked at her stunned.

Akifumi walked over and patted his head gently. "If you don't want to be a servant, how about you become my son's guardian?" He proposed kindly.

Enkaku didn't know what to say, glancing at both parents bewildered. Naobito observed the three of them, noticing the slave was completely speechless.

"If you want the slave, you must buy him from my brother Ogi." Naobito warned crossing his arms.

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