New Beginnings II

Depuis le début

A bottle of milk and mushed carrots and peas.


What was this filth?! Was this what babies ate before growing teeth? Now she can see why many threw fits when being fed!

Kirumi then hands Mikan a spoon. "Here, feed the mistress while I wash her beddings." Mikan trembled as she reluctantly took the spoon. She frantically looked between the Kirumi and the baby, feeling unsure about herself.

"U-um, d-don't you think...?"

"I'm sure you two can manage it." Kirumi raised her eyebrow before needing to clarify in disbelief, "Can you?"

"Of course we can, Kirumi!" Chihiro cut in with confidence before Mikan can stutter a reponse. Mikan then nodded meekly, deciding to side with Chihiro. Tojo hummed as she begins to carry Kokichi's old beddings out the door.

"We don't got this," Mikan mumbled to herself doubtfully after Kirumi closed the door. All of her confidence she had a moment ago vanished and replaced with her anxieties once again.

"Oh come on Mikan, how hard can it possibly be?" Chihiro replied to the meek maid as she held out the spoon. Kokichi perked at that statement.

How hard can it, was it? Was that a challenge?

Kokichi grinned in her seat, letting out a quiet chuckle. Famous last words.

★·.·´¯'·.·★ Time skip  ★·.·´¯'·.·★

Kirumi walked back with Kokichi's new clean sheets at hand. She greeted a few maids with a nod along the way and continued her way to the room.

She was almost there when she heard shouting, rummaging, and cries. Kirumi, not caring if it was respectable, bolted. Despite her shoes not being made for such activities, she got to the room in the nick of time.

Upon arriving, she could see a group of maids peeking in the room. Their gazes were transfixed on her as she hurried in. What were they doing? Nothing, like the useless bunch they are. They were all probably enjoying the show and true not to get involved in fear of being caught in that mess.

"What did you do?!" Kirumi exclaimed in disbelief. Kirumi surveyed the room. Mikan was trying to hush the baby and Fujisaki rushed up to her.

Both of them were covered, head to toe, in Kokichi's meal. Sloppy carrot mush stained their outfits as peas were scattered on the floor.

"Mikan tried to feed her but then she spat the food out!" Chihiro cried out to Kirumi, trying to explain the situation.

"Then when she hurried to get the napkin, my lady started crying and we didn't know what to do! Somehow, she even slapped the spoon away."

"How?! She can even sit up straight! How can she possibly have the strength to do so?"

Kokichi grinned as she easily produced crocodile tears. Thank goodness she was a pro of fake crying. This was a whole lot of fun.

"I-I swear, I didn't know what we did wrong."

"Did you try to feed her the milk?" Tojo asked.

"Yes, but she sprayed it right back at Chihiro," Mikan replied back, making the brunette romance at the unpleasant experience.

Kirumi hummed thoughtfully and turned to one of the maids at the doorway, "You. Get towels and bring a new bottle of milk, but this time make the baby formula." She ordered, pointing at the many maids crowding the doorway.

She flinched in surprise, pointing to herself in uncertainty. "Me?"

"Yes, you!"



"It's alright, Chihiro," Kirumi assures the shorter maid, looking at her straight in the eyes. "Kokichi might not have liked the food. We'll probably have to resort to the formula again."

"What about my lady's crying?"

"Try bringing her toys."

Kokichi yawned already losing interest, man that sucks. Kirumi was here meaning she will probably be harder to get through. She was a calm, natural-born leader. Seeing how she immediately started to control the situation and command the maids that had been panicking a few seconds ago started to ruin the fun. They actually knew what to do now. Boo!

Ugh. Such a buzz kill. Kokichi can tell she will be very annoying in the future.

"Look Kirumi, it seems to be working," Mikan exclaimed in relief as she shook a rattle in front of Kokichi making the baby stop crying and stare at it.

To their eyes, it looks like the baby was distracted by the toy but in reality, she was really bored with everything by now. Just hurry up and put me back in my crib.

"The formula is here!" the maid announced. Kirumi thanked the maid and carried the tray, carrying the formula, to Kokichi. She swiftly replaces the messy previous tray with the new one.

"Let's try this again, shall we?"

Chihiro and Mikan braced themselves for the worse but met with a pleasant surprise when the baby drank it without causing a scene. They sighed in relief.

The extra maids clapped at their accomplishments as the baby finished the bottle.

Shut up you fuckers you didn't do anything! Kokichi practically scoffed in the back of his head, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"Right, everyone can go back to their duties now." With that ending statement, everyone disbanded and the main three maids settled in and got everything cleaned up. Kirumi made sure to put Kokichi to bed before leaving once again, leaving the duo to clean up after Kokichi's mess.

"That... was tiring." Mikan sighed as she wiped the last few stains off the counter.

"I second that..." Chihiro sighed as she sneaked a glance at Kokichi in the crib. The sleeping figure looked too peaceful from before.

It was quiet for a moment.

"My lady is very cute though."

"No doubt."

★·.·´¯'·.·★ End Chapter ★·.·´¯'·.·★

Words: 1538

Published: 03/24/2020

Author's note:
Sadistic but cute Kokichi is my passion and my way of living.

(Hiatus) "Princess, May I?" || Fem!Kokichi x HaremOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant