Everything That Can Go Wrong... Will (Goddamnit!)

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Apparently Daire was the only one brave enough to stand next to an unconscious Jackson as they waited for Stiles to arrive. They were in some sort of abandoned room within the complex. Isaac volunteered to watch the door while Erica just stood there looking at her nails, suddenly the door opened and Erica and Isaac sprang forth claws first.

"Jesus Christ!" Stiles called out as he dodged Isaac's hand, "It's just me."

They stepped back and Stiles closed the door behind him. "Freak," he muttered at Isaac.

Daire sighed, before turning her attention back at the Jackass she was standing guard over. He (thankfully) was still passed out, sitting in the back of the room. Daire had shoved him in a chair, his head lolled to the side.

Stiles pointed at him, "He okay?"

Isaac shrugged, walking closer to Daire and the pain in the ass lizard, "I don't know. Let's find out."

He held up a hand and his claws protruded through his fingers. Daire still sore over the claw marks on her cheek didn't stop him as Isaac went to slash Jackson. But before he could even touch him, Jackson's arm shot out, grabbing onto the werewolf. He dug his fingers into his hand as he twisted Isacc's arm.

Isaac let out a painful cry before backing away, Daire however slowly crept closer to Dr. Connors. Stiles took one look at Isaac and sighed.

"Okay, no one does anything like that again," Stiles yelled looking at Erica and Isaac. Erica gladly nodding.

"I thought that the ketamine was supposed to put him out?" Isaac groaned.

"Yeah, well apparently this is all we're going to get," Stiles sighed, waving his hand at Jackson. "I just hope whoever's controlling him decided to show up tonight."

Over in his chair, Jackson's eyes popped open, they were rolled up towards the back of his head and his neck twitched.

"Stiles," Daire called out watching Jackson carefully, "he's doing something."

"I'm here," he let out. But his voice changed, it no longer sounded like the confident asshat that Daire knew but rougher and deeper. "I'm right here with you."

Daire felt something shift in the pit of her stomach, "of course you are," slowly Daire made her way in front of Jackson.

"Daire!" Isaac called out but she ignored him, crouching down in front of Jackson.

"You're not Jackass are you?"

"Us," he replied. "We're all here."

Daire raised an eyebrow, "That doesn't answer my question," she blew a stray curl out of her face, "are you the one killing people?"

"We're the ones killing murderers," he answered.

Daire cocked her head to the side, "really?"

"All the people I've killed so far, deserved it," he snapped.

"You know," Daire began standing up, "We have a little rule book," she glanced back at Jackson, "That says you only go after murderers. And an unborn baby died because of you," Daire tried to gauge Jackson's expression but his eyes and face were blank. Empty. "Innocent life."

"Any rule can break if enough pressure is applied," the possessed Jackass said.

"So the people you're killing are all murders huh?" Stiles asked.

"All. Each. Every. One."

"Well then who did they murder?"

Daire continued to stare at Jackson, waiting, hoping that his face would give something away. But it revealed nothing even as he said, "Me. They murdered me."

Unbreakable➳ Lahey [book 2]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin