Daire's Tired of Saving Jackass' Ass

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"Did you seriously run in here because Allison's on a date with Matt?" Daire asked as she stood next to Scott behind a cement pillar. Scott had motioned for her cousin over, for what Daire could only assume to be for a possible jealous-and stupid- confrontation.

"Yeah, why did you run in here?" Scott asked as he watched Allison leave Matt's side.

Daire rolled her eyes, "I heard SUV's pull up," Scott turned to his head towards her, "as in my family just showed up." 

Allison had joined them and Scott's attention was diverted once again, "What are you doing?"

The other Argent girl looked confused, "you told me to go out with him."

Scott shook his head looking frazzled, "No, not here," he took a breath, "you don't get it, we have a plan."

Allison's expression shifted from confusion to concern, "you have a plan?" she licked her lips nervously, "Okay, okay. My father and Gerard, they're coming here."

"They're already here."

Both Allison and Scott turned towards Daire and she could feel their uneasiness rolling off of them in waves, but she could also feel anger. Low simmering anger that belonged to her and not her friends.

"I-I had to tell them." Allison nervously justified. 

Daire just cocked her head to the side to crack her neck and closed her eyes, forcing her anger down.  

"Oh my god, they know it's Jackson," Scott exclaimed also becoming agitated at Allison.  

"People are dying, Scott. What am I supposed to do?"

Daire let out a sigh, "You're supposed to trust us."

Allison looked at Daire, "I trust you more than anyone."

Scott nervously ran a hand through his hair, "We've-we had a plan."

"So do they."

Scott shook his head, "this isn't going to work."

"What do you want me to do? Okay, I can - I can fix it. Please, please, Scott. Just tell me," Allison pleaded. 

Scott began to walk away, "just stay out of the way."

Allison turned to Daire, her eyes filled with worry.

"I thought you knew better by now." 

Allison's eyes widened and she took a step back from her cousin. Daire couldn't stop herself, her anger and disappointment along with Scott's were too much to handle.

" I told you how they are," Daire glanced at her uncovered wrists, "I even showed you and you still go to them for help?"  

Allison opened her mouth to speak but stopped when she saw a tear slide down Daire's cheek.

"No matter what Grandfucker and your dad tell you, they won't hesitate to kill Jackson," Daire wiped a tear off her cheek, "to them he isn't worth saving, he's not human"

Daire looked up at Allison to see that she too had tears in her eyes, " Just stay out of the way Allison, please". 

Daire didn't look back as she walked away, she didn't need to she could feel Allison's regret settling in her stomach.


Daire and Scott walked down the hall, music pounding all around them, they were looking for Issac and Erica in order to actually enact their 'sucky plan'. The crowd was a mass of sweaty bodies dancing with glow sticks and neon clothing under the strobe lights, the whole place reeked of alcohol, weed, and sex.

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