Great the Lizard Can't Swim!

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Daire wandered through the familiar hallways of the school, searching for Stiles. Her footsteps echoed across the empty building. Unsure of where she should be going, Daire trusted her gut and continued down the dark hallway leading to the pool. 

"Let's try that again, what did you see?" Derek's voice broke the eerie silence, Daire continued to make her way to the pool room but quickened her pace. 

"Alright, alright" Stiles muttered. "The thing was.. like a lizard, I guess. Its skin was dark; it had scales, like a ton of them. Is that enough?"

Stiles description was met with silence, which only forced Daire to walk even faster.

"What?" Stiles asked, "Wait, have you seen it? You have this look on your faces like you know exactly what I'm talking about."

At that exact moment Daire arrived at the pool's entrance and so did the Lizard. It let out a shrill cry, and was met with Derek's roar as a response. The commotion continued as Daire opened the door and stepped into the mess that was beginning to unfold.

"Run!" Derek yelled. 

Unfortunately for Mr. I don't like 5 seconds of sauce, while his back was turned, the Lizard slashed Derek's neck with his tail. Derek spun around, allowing Daire to see the razor thin gash on the back of his neck.

"Derek, your neck," she called out.

Derek reached a hand to his neck and began to fall backwards. As if he was a limp noodle, he began to fall backwards. 

"Shit," Stiles cursed under his breath, rushing forward to stop Derek from collapsing on the cold tile.

He placed Derek's arm around his neck and began running towards the exit and Daire as fast as he could. 

"Where is it?" Stiles practically yelled. "Do you see it?"

Daire raced towards them, searching the dark for the creature, "No, I've got no clue where it is."

"Just hurry," Derek called.

Suddenly a small hiss echoed across the pool. Daire glanced over to see the creature staring at them, like they were a delicious pork cutlet bowl. (or at least that's what she gathered from it's reptilian facial expression." 

"Ah hell," she cursed.

"Call Scott!" Derek yelled.

Stiles nodded and fumbled through his pockets for his phone. It slipped out of his grip, skidding away on the floor. Stiles bent over to pick it up, which was not smart as Derek tumbled out of his arms.

"Stiles, son of a b-" Derek was cut off by the giant splash he made when he hit the water. Instantly sinking due to his current paralysis. 

"ah hell!" Daire cried.

"You call Scott, I'll get Derek," Stiles called, diving headfirst into the pool.

"Aye sir," Daire replied with a jaunty salut before jogging towards the phone. She bent down to pick it up when her she met eyes with the giant lizard.

"Oh you so do not want to mess with me right now," Daire muttered grabbing the phone before backing away. The Lizard just cocked its head and let out another earsplitting shriek.

With that nice surprise, Daire slipped and fell on her ass. The phone and the Lizard no where in sight. 

"Damn it, where the hell did it go?" Daire muttered, whipping around. 

Stiles spit out some water. "I don't know. Maybe it took off," he said, visibly struggling to keep both himself and Derek afloat. 

They looked around, Daire clamped her hands over her ears as another roar rang out. It was definitely  the Lizard. But he was still no where to be seen. 

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