Palpable Emotions

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The duties of a lacrosse monkey are never completed, and as much as Daire enjoyed being able to stare at hot af muscles, she did not enjoy the fact that Greenberg would try to cope a feel at every open opportunity. Which is why she is currently procrastinating giving Coach his daily dosage of caffeine while sitting in front of the school steps waiting for Lydia and Allison to arrive.

Today would be Lydia's first day back since she decided to sleep walk in her birthday suit through the woods. And despite her cold and bitchy exterior Daire knew her strawberry blonde friend would not want to face her juvenile and judge-mental classmates alone. 

" Your going to get your jeans dirty," Lydia remarked as she and Allison reached the stairs. With a role of her eyes and a smile Daire got up and hugged the strawberry blonde.

"How are you feeling? little miss. I walked around in the woods butt naked?" Daire joked after she pulled away.

"Other than confused," she began walking up the steps, "I feel fantastic."

And boy did she look it too, her hair soft and curly, and she wore a tight purple sleeved dress that looked amazing on her. You never would have guessed that she decided to try survival of the naked.

"Were the doctors able to give you any kind of explanation?" Allison asked as they joined Lydia up the stairs.

She shook her head, strawberry blonde curls bouncing. "They call it a fugue state. Meaning that they have no idea why the hell I was running around the woods naked for four days. But I dont care. I lost nine pounds!"

They were in front of the double doors and Lydia just stopped, frozen in place. Daire squeezed her shoulder with the hand not containing Finstock's coffee.

"You sure you want to do this? Are you positive your going to be okay?"

Lydia looked at her and Daire could see a fire burning behind her eyes. It reminded her of Yona (from Yona of the Dawn), a fire of determination burned behind those green eyes and Daire knew that Lydia would be okay.

Lydia opened the door, "Of course I am. It's not like my mom is a crazy serial killer."

Yep she would be fine.

They followed Lydia as she strutted inside, at least until she stopped and looked like her mom just caught her stealing out of the cookie jar. Everyone in the hall just stopped and stared at them, catching a glance at the new "nut job" of Beacon Hills as some asshats stated. Lets just say they 'tripped' down the stairs.  They were all gawking at her and Lydia just stood there awkwardly fidgeting. Allison shot her cousin a look.

Daire leaned in closer and whispered, "Babe its totally the nine pounds."

With that boost of confidence Lydia pushed her shoulders back and held her beautiful head up high. She strut forward, like a model on a runway. Once Lydia disappeared into the hallway they crowd just continued to stare at the Argent girls.

Raising a dark eyebrow Daire looked at them, " What the hell are you all looking at?" 

On that note all the teens cleared the hallway and Daire went off to hand Coach his now cold coffee.

Daire reached the field and handed Finstock his coffee, joining him in watching their morning drills. Thankfully he didn't mind that it was cold because he had Scott to deal with.

Right Scott, who was playing goalie, the one position he hated almost as much as Daire hated when Fairy Tail went on hiatus (that is a lot of hate). Daire had no idea what the two idiots were thinking but when Finstock blew his whistle and tossed a ball to the first player in line. He started running towards the goal, preparing to send the ball sailing through the air. Seconds after he left his place in line, Scott charged out of the goal and promptly slammed the other player on the ground.

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