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          harry was running late. awfully late. not to mention he was late to potions. if snape wasn't going to kill him, he truly would start thinking he may be the luckiest person to be alive. he dashed inside of the classroom and sighed in relief when snape was nowhere in sight.

          seems like he spoke or thought in these circumstances too soon, the man has been hiding in the shadow of a corner.

          ,,mr. potter, you cared to actually join us. to whom might we owe this pleasure of waking yourself up?" snape and his assuming always made harry angry. he thinks he's not capable to wake himself up. and he's supposed to be the smart potions master.

          ,,i woke myself up, thank you."

          ,,fifteen points from gryffindor. i wanted to pair you with someone, but the only available person is far better than you, but since your potion skills are rubbish-"
harry literally cut snape off.

          ,,merlin, malfoy do you have to put so much hair gel on? i literally can not breathe properly without inhaling your atrocious smell."

          huge laughter broke out but when they saw snape's merciless face, they continued to giggle quietly anyway. they just made sure to be quiet.

          ,,oh mrs. granger would you care to tell us what we're brewing today?" hermione's eyes twinkled as she was finally called out by snape.

          ,,we're brewing amortenia, sir. the most powerful love potion to exist. it smells differently for everyone. it's supposed to basically lure one to drink it, so it smells like what the person is attracted to. for example i smell butterbeer, homemade cookies and broomsticks."

          ,,now mr. potter since you find mr. malfoy alluring, why don't you help him with the potion? he doesn't necessarily require your help, but i'm afraid you do." snape smirked slightly before returning to his corner, while there was yet another round of giggles heard in the classroom.

          ,,potter would you care to pass me the moonstone?"
          ,,yeah." harry mumbled as he passed the milky white stone to malfoy. their fingers brushed slightly but to harry it felt like electricity.

          malfoy started stirring the potion and if the scent of malfoy's hair gel hasn't been strong before it definitely was now. harry unintentionally stood closer to draco, since he needed to pass his potions exam somehow. malfoy was on top of the class, maybe he could learn a thing or two.

          ,,merlin's beard potter, can you not stand so close? your cologne is killing my nostrils." draco said, warningly and harry stared at him in awe.
          ,,i'm not wearing cologne today, malfoy."

          other gryffindors seemed to be fairly interested into the conversation because as soon as harry said that, the room once again erupted into laughter. hermione and ron weren't laughing and that sort of calmed harry.

          ,,has potter actually done something or was he just a by-stander?" snape asked when malfoy showed him the brewed potion. malfoy glanced at harry.

          ,,he's passed me the moonstone, stirred the potion and offered to test it." harry looked surprised, but not as much as snape. draco lied but snape only nodded and dismissed the class.

          oh how happy harry was to leave that classroom.

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