Twenty - Cat Fight

Depuis le début

"What about Khloe?" Elliott said, looking to her sister.

"Who cares." Chase said, rolling his eyes.

"I don't really feel like being the bitches babysitter today." Dean said, shrugging. Dean walked out of the house before Elliott could say anything.

"What's going on with you guys?" Elliott said, he was puzzled. I suppose the hostility had come out of nowhere.

"Her." Chase stated.

"Why? Charlie what's going on?" Elliott questioned.

I just looked at him. "I need to get going."
I said and followed Chase, Tommy and Jake as we all headed out.

It was funny, I didn't t even feel bad.

Khloe's P.O.V

That morning, Elliott had to drop me off at school. After my other brothers left, he stayed quiet. He knew something had gone on, but he hadn't said anything. I think he was trying to figure it out.

Elliott dropped me off at the gates and I walked towards the main building. I past a couple of cars with kids surrounding them. One car was Dylan's. When I looked at it, I saw Jack staring smugly at me from where he was stood, leaning against the front of the car. Charlie was stood opposite him, with his back to me, but when he turned to look at me, he acted as if I wasn't there.

I felt someone's arm lock in with mine and I turned to see Taylor. "Hey!" She smiled.

"Hi." I smiled, a little bit embarrassed.

"I didn't take you for a wild one." Taylor smirked, "it's nice to have a change from Max and Alex's collectiveness."

"Oh, well I'm sorry. I didn't think I was that drunk." I told her.

"Neither did I. To be honest, when I left, I had an awful hangover the next day. I threw up and had to tell my parents I had a stomach bug!" She said.

"Oh, did they not figure out you were hungover?" I asked.

"Nah, they think I'm a good girl. They thought I was just sleeping over at yours." She smiled.

"Maybe we're more alike that I first thought." I smiled.

"Good, it's fun to have two liabilities. Imagine how many drunken stories we'll have by the end of the year."

"Oh god..." I said thinking about it.

"How were your brothers about you at the party? They seemed pretty good?" She said

"Um, they weren't exactly gonna leave me. But they weren't happy I was there. Me and Charlie haven't really worked it out. We sort of had let's a fight at the party." I explained.

"He seemed fine when I saw him? Charlie seemed worth when he found out you were in the bathroom." Taylor said.

"We have a tricky relationship." I told her. "Not sure what I make of his friends, though." I said, looking back at the car.

"Most of them are harmless. Dylan and jack are the one you want to watch. I don't trust them."


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