Chapter One

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A loud banging on my door makes me shoot up from my warm bed, my eyes wide and my chest heaving.

My eyes move around my room quickly, looking for any sign of danger, but everything seems to be in its place.

"Sybil! Training fields now!" My father bellows from the other side of the wooden door.

This is not happening right now.

I groan loudly, shoving my scrunched face back into my pillows. The pounding in my head becomes more apparent at my movements, and I wince into the soft material of my mattress.

Werewolves usually don't have hangovers, but last night I think I drank my body weight in tequila.

My bed soon feels like boat, rocking back and forth. Nausea overtakes my stomach, a cold sweat precipitating on my forehead.

Right about now, I am regretting my decision of going out last night.

However, it was tradition for the teenagers in the pack to throw a bonfire on the last day of summer.

Despite the fact that the bonfires are a well known tradition, my father strongly disapproved.

I toyed with the idea of not going, but since graduating four months ago—I've been feeling a little lost on what to do next.

The party felt comfortable, my natural setting of being a fuck-up.

I snuck out without him knowing, but judging by the sound of his voice- he found out.

The only question was how he found out.

"You have five minutes, and bring the other idiot with you!" He yells again, before his footsteps echo down the hallway.

The other idiot is Kaden, who begged me not to go out last night.

He was my better half in almost every way.

He was a good student, a good son, a great friend.

He was everything I was not, and I was everything he was thankful he wasn't.

A making of a true friendship.

He often tries to talk me out of my bad ideas, but he is almost always preaching to deaf ears.

I ended up convincing him to come with me, and we both got pretty sloshed.

Cursing loudly, I swing my feet off my bed and stand up on unsteady feet. The sharp pains in my temples increase, as I stand up straight.

I go to take a step towards my closet, but instead, I trip over something on the ground.

My entire body flings to the carpeted floors harshly, and I let out a loud curse.

"Ow!" Kaden screams, his tired eyes narrowing on me.

Pushing myself to a seated position on the floor, I gape at my best friend who was cuddled up with one of my pillows on the ground.

His shirt was no where to be seen, and his brown hair was sticking up in odd directions.

My trash can say next to him, almost spooning his large body.

"Kaden, why are you in my room?" I question him, rubbing my temples with my fingers.

He sits up, throwing my pillow onto the bed with a sigh.

"Your dumbass needed help climbing back through your window so your dad wouldn't wake up, and I guess I passed out in here too." He groans, running a hand down his face with a scowl.

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