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I downed the shot of tequila in hopes of getting rid of the ache in my chest, but instead the flame of the ache fed off of the alcohol. I groaned as the voice in my head screamed at me:

You can't even drink without thinking of him Adalyn, you gotta get over Jack!

I downed my last shot before ordering a beer from the bartender and thought about what the voice in my head had just said. It was true, I drove all the way to Las Vegas to get over him, not to wallow in my sadness. I had already mustered the strength to do my makeup, curl my hair and wear a dress that showed a lot of everything, but even then I just wouldn't stop thinking about him.

Why after three years had he decided to call it quits? His excuse was that he didn't feel our spark anymore, but I still believe he was cheating on me. Yet, I still loved him and wanted him more than anything in the world. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. Damn you, Jackson, you bastard.

"Was that huff at me? Because I can move if you don't want anybody sitting by you," An Australian voice said next to me. I turned to look at the man sitting to my right, he had messy blonde hair, striking blue eyes, and a little bit of stubble on his face. He was definitely eye candy.

"No, you're fine, I'm just thinking," I mumbled.

He pointed at my beer, "Are you going to drink that? It's been sitting there for at least five minutes and you haven't touched it."

I waved my hand, "You can have it if you pay for it." I informed him. A smile broke out on his face before he swiped the beer from the counter and took a swig out of it.

"I like a girl who's straight forward." He chuckled.

"Really? My ex hated that about me."

"Ah, so that's the reason why you're in Vegas," He noted as he examined the beer bottle closely.

"How would you know if he just broke up with me?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"For starters, you just denied the fact that somebody just broke up with you," He started before finishing off the beer, "Second, you were sitting at the bar by yourself, and third you are wearing a mighty sexy dress." He listed off.

"Okay fine. I did just get broken up with, but I'm pretty sure he was cheating on me," I admitted, raising my hands in defeat. He called the bartender over and ordered two more beers.

"How long?" He asked.

"Three years."

"Ah, I feel your pain. My girlfriend of four years broke up with me about a month ago, after I started asking her who else she was fucking," He stated.

"Shit, I'm sorry," I muttered. He slid one of the beers over to me and I gladly accepted it.

"It was for the better. I'm glad she broke up with me that way, rather than me finding her in bed with someone else. I'm honestly over it now," He explained before downing almost half of his beer in one gulp.

"That's good," I giggled, my brain was starting to fog up a little bit, so I wasn't far away from being drunk.

"Now that I've told you why I'm in Vegas, why are you in Vegas?" I asked him, leaning closer so he got a clear shot down my dress. His eyes wandered down, but found their way back to my face.

"I needed a break from work," He informed me.

"Work sucks!" I groaned. "It's the second thing that I hate in life."

"Really? What's the first?"

"My ex. He's an awful human, I don't even know how I dated him for three years," I sighed before sipping my drink.

"You don't see their flaws until they aren't with you anymore, same thing happened with me," He shrugged.

"I wish I would've seen the flaws before I put three years worth of work into our relationship for nothing."

"You wanna come and play some table games with me?" He asked before finishing off his beer. Even in my hazy state, I could tell he was trying to get my mind off of the topic of Jack and our breakup.

"Hell yeah!" I exclaimed before I too finished my beer. I hopped of the bar stool and he did the same.

"You know what, how about one more round of shots first?" He asked. I nodded eagerly and he slid his arm around my waist before putting a hundred down in front of the bartender.

"That's for one more round of shots, my tab and this lovely lady's tab," He told the bartender. Within a minute, we had four more shots and both of us downed our two, one after the other. Maybe I would be able to get over Jack tonight. This stranger was a hell of a catch.

"What do you want to play?" He asked as he headed towards the table games.

"I don't care," I slurred and almost tripped over my own feet, but he caught me before I came close to hitting the floor. My eyes met his and I let out a soft giggle.

"Your laugh matches your beauty," He smiled as he drew me in closer to his body.

"Really?" I asked, biting my lip. He brought his lips so close to mine, but instead of kissing me, he spoke.

"How about poker?" He whispered. Although I was a little disappointed that I didn't get a kiss from this greek god of a man, I nodded eagerly and we headed to the table. He sat down and pulled me into his lap. I let out a giggle as I made myself comfortable.

"You are a feisty little firecracker aren't you?" He whispered into my ear, making the hairs on my neck stand straight up.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not," I whispered back in response.

The rest of the night was kind of a blurry for me. After losing poker, we did another round of shots and hit the slot machines, I do remember winning big on one of them. 

All I did know for sure was that I was no longer thinking about Jack. He was long forgotten by the time the night came to a close.


Hey everyone! So, I decided to make this a fanfiction because it makes more sense with how I wanted the guy character to be. I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter! Pictures of Luke and Adalyn's outfits are above! Thank you for reading!

xx - Sidney

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