Chapter 18 {Find An Outfit to Impress}

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A/N: Hey guys, this is chapter eighteen. So enjoy! 😊

(Y/N) stood by the door examining Aster as he stood right in front of her and checking her out. They stood silent as they stared at each other until (Y/N) spoke.

"Hey." (Y/N) said didn't know what to say.

"Hey Bella, it's nice to see you." Aster said with a grin.

"You too." (Y/N) said with a smile.

"So shall we get going?" Aster asked as (Y/N) went outside.

"Yeah." (Y/N) said closing the door and locking it.

They both smiled as they started walking.

"How was your morning?" Aster asked.

"Good I just got permission from my dad to bring you my place while he's away." (Y/N) replied.

"You mean we'll be alone?" Aster asked.

"Yup, if it doesn't bother you." (Y/N) asked.

"No. I don't want any interruptions and I like some privacy for my maid." Aster said smirking.

"Again with you're flirty comments." (Y/N) said pouted as her cheeks turning pink.

"*chuckles* I'm not wrong. You did force your dad to get out of the apartment." Aster said.

"It's mandatory. I rather avoid any distractions." (Y/N) said.

Meanwhile at the Park

The weather was nice and sunny as it was a perfect day to walk around the park. (Y/N)'a father was walking around the area feel the nice fresh air. He looked around to see people hanging out at the benches, sitting on the grass, or playing on the playground. He was bumped into someone who was jogging around the park. He stopped to check up on the old man.

"Oh, I'm so sorry sir." (Y/N)'s dad turned to see Jesse wearing his workout outfit as he holding a bottle of water.

"It's fine, young man. No apologies needed. It's a lovely day isn't it." (Y/N)'s dad said sitting on a bench near him.

"It's is." Jesse said drinking his bottle of water.

"You're the new neighbor, Jesse wasn't it?" (Y/N)'s dad asked.

"Yes, sir." Jesse said as the old man smiled.

"Having your morning jogged?" (Y/N)'s dad asked.

"Yeah, it's a nice breeze." Jesse said.

"Since you're comfortable moving this area, it's must be peaceful living around here." (Y/N)'s father said.

"I wouldn't say it's hasn't been calm. More chaotic." Jesse replied as his expression changed.

"Oh, then what's got you down?" (Y/N)'s dad asked as Jesse sat down.

"There's this girl that I really like but my friend has feelings for her too." Jesse explained.

"I see a love triangle of two friends fighting for the same girl. That must be tough." (Y/N)'s dad said.

"Yeah, it's worse than we're all friends. I had a fight with him yesterday about her and he told me to back off and stayed out of their relationship. I got involved because he got an argument with her and I was the reason they fought." Jesse explained.

"Mmm, well love is complicated. There are things you need to sacrifice for love. It's fine to have competition but just keep it down and try not to get personal with each other. It never ends well." (Y/N)'s dad said.

Don't Tell My Boss I Work As A Maid Part Time (Aster Phoenix X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant