Chapter 8 {Reconnecting A Childhood Friend}

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A/N: Hey guys. Anyways, this is chapter eight. Enjoy!

Aster was in the limo with Sartorius as they both stared at each other. It's been years since he last saw him in duel academy. He was confused about Sartorius finding him out of nowhere.

"Hey Sartorius, how did you find me?" Aster asked.

"One of your fans post a picture of you at the mall on Chitter. I thought you need help but someone did it for me." Sartorius replied.

"I guessing that you followed me." Aster said.

"Sorry." Sartorius said.

"Its fine. So, how's life?" Aster asked.

"Better after what happened in duel academy. I have taken care of myself and I'm currently living with my sister." Sartorius said.

"Do you still make a living with fortune-telling?" Aster asked.

"Well, I rather be a hobby now. What about you? You seem happier lately, is it because of the woman you were with earlier?" Sartorius said as Aster chuckled.

"*chuckles* You can say that." Aster said with a smile.

"That's good news, I was a bit worried today especially the news reporters kept mentioning another woman. I hope they didn't annoy you, after all, it was a rough time for you." Sartorius said with concern expression.

"It was, I tried to avoid answering those questions but they kept insisting like if they want to create drama for their own benefits." Aster explained expressed his frustration to his friend.

"Media wants any negative publicity to get everyone's attention. That's why they stay in business to cause an uproar with celebrities like you." Sartorius said with a sigh.

"I guess but I moved on and found someone new." Aster said.

"I'm pleased to hear that." Sartorius said.

"Mind if I asked but why were you looking for me? Is there something you need help with?" Aster asked.

"Well Aster, the reason I was looking for you because I want to discuss something important with you." Sartorius replied as it was serious.

"Ok, what would that be?" Aster asked.

"I was thinking if it's ok with you I want to be your manager again." Sartorius said which surprised Aster.

"You really want to be my manager again?" Aster asked as he smiled.

"Yes, I wanted to rebuild our friendship. It's been a while since I last saw you and I wanted to talk to you again. If you don't mind?" Sartorius said.

"Sure, It has been a while since we talked. It would be like old times, so when do you want to start?" Aster asked.

"Is tomorrow fine?" Sartorius asked.

"Sure, but why so soon?" Aster asked.

"Why not? Besides I want you know about the girl you been hanging out with." Sartorius said interested in Aster's love life.

"*chuckles* right." Aster said awkwardly.

"So how did you meet her?" Sartorius asked as Aster awkwardly rubbed behind his head.

It was a long ride home as Aster told Sartorius everything about (Y/N). His friend smiled as he listened to Aster. The way he talks about (Y/N) like he genuinely likes her if almost looked like he's in love with her.

Time-Skip to Next Day at the Office

It was busy as always as the coworkers were trying to catch up with work since (Y/N) took a vacation. Stacks of paperwork were on the table as the male coworkers were running back and forth as they were organizing files and typing fast on the laptops.

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