Chapter 19 {Restraining A Complicated Relationship}

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A/N: Hey guys, this is chapter nineteen. Enjoy! 😊

The dressing room was silent as the others watched Aster and Jesse face each other. (Y/N) was caught in the middle as she lean against the wall.

"Mind telling me what you were doing with Bella, Jesse?" Aster asked giving him a cold stare.

"I was asking her opinion about clothes." Jesse said as he did the same.

"Really, you were invading her personal space." Aster said crossing his arms and bothered by Jesse's answer.

"I wasn't making her feel uncomfortable. If I did, I would have back off and apologize." Jesse said as an argument is about to start.

"Hey guys we should talk..." Jaden tried to calm down but was scolded by his two friends.

"Stay out of this Jay!" Both men said in unison.

"Ok ok." Jaden said waving his hands and taking a step back.

"Did you came here just see Bella?" Aster asked in annoyance.

"No, I didn't know that Bella would come." Jesse replied.

"Right, I should believe you especially you're half naked and flirting with Bella while she's leaning against the wall." Aster said get tick off by the minute.

"It's not what you think." Jesse said which made (Y/N) to step in and defuse the situation.

"It's not Jesse fault, I accidentally walked into him. It's my fault." (Y/N) said looking down and nervous.

This surprised Aster and didn't expect (Y/N) would do this. He was angry but he wanted to hear her outm

"*sigh* Bella, why did you went into the men's dressing room?" Aster asked preparing what's about to come.

"Well... I came in because I thought you were here changing." (Y/N) replied embarrassingly.

"What? Why would I be here? I told you that I was in the bathroom." Aster said in confusion.

"Because Chazz told me that he saw you coming in the dressing room and was using the first stall. I found Jesse instead if you." (Y/N) said as Chazz panicked.

"She's lying! I didn't tell her!" Chazz yell denying it.

"I'm not! You said that Aster came back from the restroom and went in the dressing room to change." (Y/N) said get irritated by Chazz.

The others were confused as (Y/N) and Chazz were arguing about what he said she said.

"Chazz, did you set this up?" Jaden asked as all eyes were on Chazz.

"Ummm... well nope." Chazz kept lying and started to sweat.

"Then why were you acting were weird." Alexis said picking up by his weird behavior.

"I'm not!" Chazz yelled the pressure is kicking in and get more nervous.

"Chazz, did you or did you not tell Bella that Aster was in the dressing room?" Alexis asked starting to suspect him.

"I did not!" Chazz yell as (Y/N) was sick of hearing Chazz lying.

"Did too! Keep lying and you'll regret it!" (Y/N) said angrily.

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