Chapter 20 {Meeting an Overprotective Father}

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"But sweetie we're don't have anything expensive and valuable for a celebrity like Aster." (Y/N)'s dad said.

"I'm not an object!" (Y/N) scolded her father.

"Wait, you're just going to apologize to him and offering him your only daughter just because he's a celebrity?! Unbelievable (D/N)!" Aunt Cinder said crossing her arms.

"What?! I rather have my daughter be married a successful man than a deadbeat." (Y/N)'s father said.

"As expected of uncle, he's hates guys going after his daughter but if she brings home a wealthy man, he treats him like a son." Atticus said facepalm the situation.

"Please forgive me, Aster. I did jump into conclusions and it's difficult for me to see my daughter with another man as she's my only child." (Y/N)'s father said.

"It's fine sir, it isn't necessarily to apologize. It was just a misunderstanding. I don't blame you as it must be hard for a father to watch other men to protect a lovely daughter like Bella." Aster said which it made (Y/N) frightened forgetting that her dad doesn't know her situation.

"Huh, Be..." Atticus cover his uncle's mouth and pull him out of the room.

"Excuse us, we indeed to talk to Bella's father privately." Aunt Cinder said as she left the room and went to the living room as Atticus put his uncle down on the sofa.

"Atticus! Why did you put me away from him?" (Y/N)'s dad asked.

"Sorry uncle, but (Y/N) doesn't want us to say her name in front of Aster." Atticus said.

"Why?" (Y/N)'s dad asked in confusion.

"Well, Aster is her boss and he doesn't know that (Y/N) works at the cafe. She's afraid that he'll fired her if he finds out." Aunt Cinder explained.

"We been call her Bella when Aster is around." Atticus said .

"I understand. Is that why (Y/N) is dressed up?" (Y/N)'s dad asked.

"Yes, she wants to keep this a secret from him. Just call (Y/N) Bella when she's dolled up and he's here." Aunt Cinder said.

"Ok, then" (Y/N)'s father said.

They came back to see (Y/N) and Aster still talking about the project. (Y/N)'s father coughed and they turn to them.

"Sorry for interrupting your conversation, but I need to know. Why did you come here?" (Y/N)'s father asked.

"I came here because I wanted your daughter to make some outfits. I seen the clothes she creates and has great skills." Aster response.

"Oh, she told me about that." (Y/N)'s dad said remembering what (Y/N) told him earlier in the morning.

"Sorry that I didn't tell you sooner." (Y/N) said nervously.

"It's fine Sweetie, just be honest next time, ok?" (Y/N)'s father said as (Y/N) nodded.

"Well then, we'll leave you two alone." Aunt Cinder said.

"Wait before we go I need to talk to Mr. Phoenix." (Y/N)'s dad said walking towards Aster and stood a few feet away from him.

"What do you want to talk about, sir?" Aster asked politely.

"I want to know, what's your relationship towards my daughter?" (Y/N)'s father asked.

"Dad!" (Y/N) yelled as her cheeks turning pink.

"Bella let him answer your dad's question." Atticus said with a smug look while (Y/N) pouted.

"Well to be honest, I don't know. You could say that were causal friends or close relationship." Aster replied as he trying to understand himself.

"Usually I don't say this to young man but, I trust you and your welcome to visit anytime Aster." (Y/N)'s father said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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