"I never truly stopped," I whispered.

Her right eye began to twitch. She did that a lot when she was going through the motions with Will. It was rare and it only happened when she was truly upset.

"We're all going home. We've already embarrassed ourselves enough here. Billy's still at school, so we'll be having a family discussion about this all," said my dad trying to keep the atmosphere calm.


"If we don't have this discussion now then the issue is never going to be resolved, Lauren," said Dr. Felland.

"I don't want to be here," I answered shortly as I looked over at both of my parents.

"Well you should have thought of that before you had your little outburst at school," snapped my dad.

I rolled my eyes.

"Did something your dad say bother you, Lauren?" she pressed noticing my gesture.

"Everything they both say at the moment is going to bother me. I just want to go home. I had to sit in a car with them for the past few hours and believe me I've had enough of the lectures today. This was all blown out of proportion because I ditched a couple of classes. My mom loves to micromanage everything I do, and god forbid I act like a normal teenager for once. I hate how whatever I do is wrong."

"We have given you so much lately, Lauren. I can't even believe you would think that we micromanage you. I'm sorry if I'm concerned for your well being, but I don't want you heading down the same road as your older brother," said my mom.

"Again you don't understand that I'm not Will. Will killed himself because he was unhappy. I'm not unhappy. I'm overwhelmed. It's not easy living my life as if my older brother never existed. Billy's fine because he never got the opportunity to meet him. Plus it's not cool that you would go around and name the next kid you have after my dead brother. You wanted a replacement and I'm done being quiet about it," I was basically shouting at this point.

My mom is at the brink of crying again.

"We weren't trying to replace Will, Ren," insisted my dad as he rubbed my mom's back, "We love both of your brothers in their own ways."

"Then why is Billy named William also? Why did you guys decide to have another baby so late in the game especially after Will had just passed? You always made it clear that Will was the mistake and he definitely lived up to that. Will wasn't the toxic one, you were and it sucks that he had to die for you guys to notice his issues. What kind of parenting is that?"

I was now the one in tears. I couldn't help it. Will had always been my best friend. He was always there when no one else was and my parents just never saw the good in my brother. They liked to find what was wrong and nit pick based off of that. They did it to him and now they're doing the same to me. It just wasn't fair.

"Lauren, it was never like that. You have to understand that some things were just best dealt with behind closed doors. Your brother was our son regardless of what he chose to do. We loved him just as much as we loved you or Billy. You may see it as something else, but we know how we feel and we know we did our best to make sure your brother was getting the help he needed," explained my dad.

"You guys just don't get it."

"Then why don't you explain to us then, Lauren," insisted Dr. Felland.

I shook my head no. "I want to go home. I'm not dealing with this right now."

"Well you don't have a choice anymore. We either deal with this now or we put you away because we truly feel like you're a danger to yourself," announced my mom as she took a tissue from the box that sat in front of us.

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