Part 14 The impossible game

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Nishikata and Nakai had returned to Takagi and Mano with two plates of funnel cake. 'Should we separate from them after eating? Or after a ride or two? I still need to get Takagi alone, so I can confess to her.' The two of them sat down on opposite sides of the table.

"Sorry." Nakai said as he sat next to Mano. "We could only get one per person, too many people."

"That's fine." Mano said as she took a piece of funnel cake. "So, I didn't expect to run into you two today, what brings you here?"

"That's ... kinda hard to explain." Nishikata began as he started tapping the table. 'I can't tell them that I came here to confess to Takagi. Even if she already knows, that would just make the actual confession strange and awkward.' "You see ... the thing is ..."

"We more or less wanted to spend Christmas Eve together." Takagi finished.

Mano and Nakai stared at the two of them surprised. "So are you two ... going out?" Nakai asked.

"No, we're still just friends." Takagi said as she accidentally placed her hand on top of Nishikatas.

There was an awkward silence as they both stared at their hands before they both moved their hand away. "Yeah." Nishikata added.

Both Mano and Nakai looked at the two, unconvinced of their claim. "Yeah, sure." They both say.

'Damn it, I need to change the subject and fast.' Nishikata thought as he took another piece of funnel cake. 'But how am I ... I GOT IT!' "Hey, Mano, Nakai, how about after we eat, we all have a little friendly competition?"

They all looked at him a little surprised and curious.

"It's simple really, there are some fun carnival games here, so we have a friendly two out of three."

"Two out of three?" Nakai began. "With four people?"

"I get it." Takagi began. "You mean teams of two, don't you?"

'I'd say she was reading my mind but I did make that one obvious.' Nishikata thought to himself. "That's it exactly, now here's what I was thinking."

"Hold on." Takagi interrupted. "I know what you want the teams to be, but I may have a better idea."

"A better idea?"

"Yeah, how about, you and me, verses Nakai and Mano?"

'But that was what I was going to suggest anyway.' Takagi gave him a knowing smile and Nishikata realized what she was getting at. "I ... don't see why not." He turned away pretending to be embarrassed.

"Great, I can't wait to start."

The group continued eating for a bit until they finished, and began making their way to where the carnival games were. "Okay, so for the first one, we'll flip a coin to decide who decides which one, then it's whoever loses."

"Okay, and what's the winner get?" Nakai asked.

"All prizes won." Nishikata finished with a smile.

"Okay, flip the coin."

Nishikata pulled a coin out of his pocket and looked to Nakai and Mano. "Heads or tails?"

"Heads." Nakai replied.

"Okay." Nishikata flipped the coin into the air and caught it as soon as it came back down. "And let's see." He opened his hand, revealing that it was heads. "Looks like you two pick."

"Alright." Nakai and Mano walked ahead while Takagi placed a hand on Nishikata's shoulder and compelled them stay back.

"I know you're planning something, you didn't even try to hide it."

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