Part 8 Christmas party

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The following day had come and Nishikata and his family were making their way to the Christmas party; it was relatively pleasant out compared to the past few days, most of the snow had melted and it was just the right temperature to not need winter jackets. "So, are you excited?" Nishikata's mom asked.

"Huh? You mean to watch a bunch of old people talking about old people things? Yeah, I'm extremely excited."

"Now son, you can't always have fun, sometimes you have to do boring things with old people." His father replied.

"I heard Takagi's going to be there."

"I know mom! She told me yesterday."

"I'm sorry, who's Takagi?" His father asked.

"You remember, she's our son's little girlfriend."


"Now I'm concerned, maybe you should stay with us old people all night."


"I'm joking, seriously though, don't do anything you may regret."

"I will try."

They soon reached the house and rang the doorbell and greeted the residents, but Nishikata wasn't really paying attention. 'Should I try to get back at her? Or try and ask her out? I mean if I'm giving her, her present today, then I guess it's asking her out.'

He looked up and saw his parents begin going inside and followed them; the inside of the house was nice, kinda the same layout as his, only larger and with another wing. There were also a lot of people but not so much that it was extremely crowded. "Hm, I wonder where she could be." He separated from his parents and began looking around. "Maybe ... she's not here yet?"

After a moment of searching, he noticed someone else that he recognized. "Is that ..." He strolled up to them. "Hamaguchi?" He asked.

Hamaguchi turned around and smiled when he saw Nishikata. "Hey! Nishikata!" He greeted. "Nice to see a friendly face."

"Likewise. So, you were dragged here as well?"

"No way man, I came of my own free will."

Nishikata narrowed his eyes at him. "Really now? Is Houjou here or something?"

"That's right, I heard that she was going to be here and wanted to use this opportunity to get a little closer to her."

"Did you get her a present yet?"

Hamaguchi tried to hide the worry on his face but failed miserably. "Well ... not yet ... but I will."

"You should probably get in that before Christmas, it's this week after all."

"Oh, like you're one to talk, have you gotten anything for Takagi yet?"

"I ..." Nishikata remained silent as Hamaguchi scoffed.

"Didn't think so."

"Well." Nishikata began slowly. "If ... I got her something ... that would be admitting that I like her."

"Everyone already knows that you like her."

"Yeah ... maybe even she knows I love her."

"That's a first." Hamaguchi began. "I don't think I've ever heard you admit that before."

"Yeah, well ... I'm hoping to admit it to one person in particular tonight so ... trying to get used to it."

Hamaguchi's eyes went wide before he slapped his hand onto Nishikata's back. "Well then I wish you the best of luck, I need to see if I can find Houjou."

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