Part 7 Not really a date

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Takagi was sitting outside the snack shop as Nishikata walked out with two popsicles. "That didn't take too long, did it?"

"Nope." Takagi said as she moved to the side and tabbed the seat to her left. "Now sit down and let's eat."

"Oh, right." Nishikata took the seat next to Takagi and began unwrapping her popsicle; she left very little room for him to sit, but just enough so that he was directly up against her. "So." He held the popsicle up and she took a bite.

"Mmmmmm." She said before taking another bite. "Thank you for this, it's really sweet of you."

"Well, I do owe you a few times over." Nishikata said as he struggled to open his with his free hand.

"Nishikata?" Takagi said as she noticed him struggling. "How about," She placed her hand on his. "We simply share these one at a time."

Nishikata's face went bright red. 'Sh-share? Damn it, that's an indirect kiss, and she knows it!'

"You know, if you're afraid of an indirect kiss," She leaned forward and put her face close to his. "Then maybe I should just give you a direct kiss, one that's deep and passionate, that makes something like sharing a popsicle seem like nothing."

"I'm not afraid!" Nishikata exclaimed.

She moved her popsicle closer to his mouth and smiled. "Then prove it."

He stared at the popsicle and laughed nervously. 'I can do this, I gave her a direct kiss a few days ago, this should be easy.' He moved the popsicle closer to his mouth and paused. 'Why is this so hard.'

Takagi let out a sigh and shook her head. "Close your eyes Nishikata, this might take some time." She brought her face closer to his, causing his heart rate to skyrocket.

'I HAVE TO DO THIS!' He took a bite out of the popsicle causing Takagi to stop.

"You're no fun."

"What's gotten into you today?" Nishikata asked as Takagi took another bite of the popsicle. "You're a lot more ... I don't know what the word is, intense maybe?"

"Do you like me better this way?"

"I like you the way you normally are." He paused. "Wait, that didn't come out right."

She burst into laughter, causing Nishikata's blush to fade slightly. "How do I put this? I'm ... testing the limits."


"A few days ago, you caught me completely off guard, that means that you're a little more resilient to things like that, and I need to find out how resilient if I want to continue to tease you."

"I guess that kinda makes sense, but why tell me?"

"Well I told you I never lie to you, and there's not much you could do about it anyway." She took a bite out of the popsicle and glanced at Nishikata.

'Well, I have realized love her, maybe that's why I'm better at this.' He took a bite out of the popsicle. "If someone saw us right now, they'd definitely get the wrong idea."

"Would they though?"

Nishikata nodded. "This definitely looks like a date right now, especially if they knew where we just came from."

"So you're saying ... it's not a date?"

Nishikata blushed as he glanced at Takagi. "I ..."

"If it's not a date, then what is it?"

Nishikata's face went even redder as he tried to look away. "I ... it's ..." He took another bite out of the popsicle and tried to calm himself.

"You know," She began as she gave him a sly smile. "A date's simply when two people who are romantically interested in each other get together with the intent of furthering their relationship, it never says anything about them knowing that their partner is doing the same thing. That means, this could actually be a date and neither of us knows it."

Nishikata grabbed his chest as his heart sped out of control; he tried speaking but his mouth was way too dry. 'I need ... to cool off.' He scarfed down the rest of the popsicle and took a few deep breaths. "Takagi, could you take it down a notch or five ... or twenty?"

She snickered for a bit before bursting into laughter. "Oh Nishikata, your reactions are just too perfect." She calmed down a little and smiled at him. "Okay, I have all the info I need anyway."

"Good for you." Nishikata said as he opened the second popsicle. "Here, you want the first bite?"

"Don't mind if I do." She said before biting into it.

Nishikata watched her as his heart continued to pound in his chest. 'Damn, that was way too close.' He took a bite out of the popsicle and stared off into space.

"You know." Takagi began before taking another bite. "You've really come far with the whole, indirect kiss, thing." She smiled as she watched Nishikata take another bite. "Guess I won't be able to use that to tease you anymore."

"Thank goodness." Nishikata was about to take another bite out of the popsicle when he noticed Takagi's face was now extremely close to his.

"Looks like I may need to upgrade to direct kisses."

Nishikata's face turned red, once again, as Takagi started laughing. "I know, I know, I'm sorry I won't do that." She turned away and tried to fight down a blush that was forming. "So anyway ... I have a question, are you going to that Christmas party that's down the street from us?"

"The one tomorrow?"

"Yeah, that would be the one."

"Yup, my parents are dragging me along with them."

"Great, I didn't want to be the only non adult there." She said before breathing a sigh of relief.

Nishikata looked at her again and smiled. "Yeah, being at parties where adults just talk all the time, are the worst."

"Then I look forward to seeing you tomorrow as well."

She gave him a closed eyed smile, and he felt his heart jump. 'Maybe tomorrow ... I can give her the present.'

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