Part 1 Snow ball fight

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Takagi was making her way down the hall on her way out of school for the day, looking out the window at every opportunity. It had snowed for the past few days so there was a lot of white on the ground which somehow made her feel at ease. "If there's one good thing about the cold, it's that it's perfect weather for cuddling."

She continued her way down the hall until she ran into one of her friends, Sumire Takagawa, looking out the window. "Oh hey Takagi." She greeted.

"Good morning." Takagi greeted back, as they began making their way to class.

"So, excited for the holidays?"

"You bet, I've actually finished most of my Christmas shopping quite some time ago."


"Yeah, I need to finish making Nishikata's present, it's taking a bit longer than I initially thought it would."

"Well, I wish you luck with that." Sumire replied. "Hey, mind if I ask you something?"

"About Nishikata?"

"Yeah, um, why don't you just ask him out already? I mean you said that he has feelings for you so it's not like he'll say no."

"Well, it's because he probably hasn't exactly realized it yet."

"Well surely you can still ask him and just play it off as a contest or ... I don't know, say, you want to try it because everyone in the school thinks the two of you are already dating."

Takagi laughed. "He would try and avoid the second one at all costs, but even if I did ask him ... well ... I kinda want him to be the one to say it, also I don't want to push things any more than I already am."

"More than you already are?"

"I mean I don't want to do anything more than dropping hints of us as a couple, or getting him into romantic situations."

"Yeah, um ... about that." She sighed and turned to Takagi. "I ... need a favor."

Elsewhere, Nishikata, Hamaguchi, Takao, and Kimura were also walking down the hall on their way out of the school. "So I've been thinking, and I believe that the best thing to get her would be a necklace." Hamaguchi began. "That seems like it would be a mature present, right?"

"If you can afford it." Takao joked. "Last I checked, those things can cost nearly eleven thousand yen."

"I've been saving up, I should have enough. The only question is, what kind of necklace?" He turned to Nishikata, who looked as if he wasn't paying much attention. "What do you think Nishikata?"

"Huh?" Nishikata asked as he turned to his friend.

"I said, do you think getting Houjou a necklace is a good idea?"

"Oh, I don't really know."

"Of course you don't"

"You know, I've never really understood the whole, having to get someone you care about something expensive to show how much you care, thing." Kimura began. "If you ask me, just get something that'll make them smile, it doesn't matter how much it costs."

"I wouldn't expect you to understand Kimura." Hamaguchi began. "You've never had to get something for a girl outside your family before." Hamaguchi looked back at him, yet he didn't say a word. "Why are you so silent?"

"Oh, that's because I actually am getting something for a girl this year."

Everyone stopped and turned to look at him. "Are you joking?!" Takao snapped.

"You of all people?" Hamaguchi asked.

"Easy there!" Kimura said as he backed up holding his hands up in defense. "It's not like I'm in love with her or anything. I mean she's cute, yes, but we've only talked a few times, and we've barely hung out."

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