Part 9 Aftermath

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Takagi's eyes were wide open as she still came to grips with what was happening. 'He's ... he's ... screw it.' She slowly wrapped her arms around the back of his neck as she kissed him back. 'I'm not missing this one.'

They stood there, in each others embrace, with neither of them aware of how much time had actually passed. When they finally separated, both of them were out of breath, stunned at what had just happened.

They stood there for a few moments, still holding onto each other. "Yeah." Nishikata whispered.

"Yeah." Takagi replied.

They continued to stand there for a few moments, lost in each other's eyes. 'That was amazing.' Nishikata thought.

They both started to subconsciously move closer to each other once again, wanting a second kiss.

"Um." Came a voice that caused both of them to snap to attention and turn to see Mano standing there, blushing like crazy. "I ... I didn't mean to ... I'll just leave you two alone." She raced back inside and both of them began to feel uneasy.

"Takagi?" Nishikata began as his hands fell to his sides. "You said you saw people out here earlier."

"What?" Takagi asked as she quickly turned to look at him. "No, I mean, yes, but I wasn't out where when I saw them, I only saw them through the door." She let go of him and began to step back. "Look, I'll talk to Mano and make sure she doesn't say a word about what happened, I promise."

Nishikata watched Takagi run inside and followed shortly after. 'Damn ... why did I say that?' He slapped his forehead in frustration. 'Why couldn't I have just told her that it was fine? Why didn't I stop her?'

He began making his way over to the kitchen where snacks were being held and got himself a cup of water. 'I should have said something ... why did I hesitate? This is exactly like the summer camp folk dance all over again.' He leaned against a wall and stared into his cup, not saying anything.

He wasn't sure how long he had been standing there, but eventually, he heard someone walk up to him. "Hey." Hamaguchi said as he waved, trying to grab his attention. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." He mumbled.

"Um ... you sure? Cause I just saw Takagi and it looked like she was embarrassed by something."

"Huh?" Nishikata glanced up at him, somewhat still indifferent, even though Hamaguchi just said that Takagi was embarrassed. "Yeah, well ... if you're asking if I beat her, the answer is no."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Hamaguchi asked as he moved to get a better look at his face. "Because your face looks extra red."

Nishikata placed a hand on his face and felt that it still warm, what's more, his heart was still pounding in his chest. "Oh, so it is."

"Okay, now I'm worried, could you tell me what happened?"

"You wanna know so badly?" He asked as he turned to look Hamaguchi in the eye. "Find Houjou, and the two of you stand on the deck against the outside wall."

"Uh ... okay?" Hamaguchi paused for a moment before walking away, leaving Nishikata alone again.

'At least he's gone.'

Earlier, Takagi had ran after Mano, hoping that she could find her before she tells anyone about what she saw. 'I can't run the risk of Nishikata believing that the kiss was somehow me teasing him, otherwise he'll never believe I like him.'

She frantically searched until she found her in a less crowded portion of the house sitting on a couch, she looked a little down and as if she wasn't paying attention. "Mano." Takagi greeted.

"Huh?" Mano looked up to see Takagi strolling up to her. "Takagi? Why aren't you with Nishikata?"

"Because if you mention what you saw to anyone, then he may never believe that I actually love him." She replied as she took a seat next to her.

"Wait, so you two aren't dating yet?"

"No." Takagi said as she forced a smile. "We were just kissing because we were under a mistletoe."

"Takagi?" Mano began. "A mistletoe kiss ... is not what I saw."

"Yeah, I don't think Nishikata knew that." She looked towards the ceiling as she began to reminisce about the kiss. "It was amazing, though, I think I was almost as nervous as he was."

"Yeah." Mano said as she looked down. "It must have been nice."

"Huh?" Takagi glanced at Mano and noticed how sad she looked. "Don't tell me."

"Huh?" Mano said as she looked at Takagi.

"When was the last time you and Nakai kissed?"

Mano's face went bright red as she quickly turned away in embarrassment. "N-not often, in fact, last time was so long ago that I don't even remember."

"Mano, tell me the truth."

Mano sighed as she began to tear up. "We've ... never kissed."

"Mano!" Takagi exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it's not something you should worry yourself with."

"It is something I'll worry myself with, you're my friend, if it bothers you-"

"It's fine, you and Nishikata are simply closer than Nakai and I are."

"You don't have to look at it like that, some relationships are different from others, you shouldn't compare them."

"Well, yeah, but I'm just ... very envious of you."

Takagi laughed and shook her head. "Mano, I'm the one who's envious of you."

"What? You have Nishikata wrapped around your finger and can practically get him to do whatever you want, why are you envious of me of all people?"

Takagi looked at her and smiled. "Because, you were able to tell your crush how you feel."

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