14: The Harvest Fair challenge

Start from the beginning

"Well, I'm gonna give you ten dollars for the cupcake and ten more for the the scholarship." The guys says, handing me a twenty dollar bill.

"Thank you very much. You are donating to a great cause." I grin at the guy.

"Thank you." He grins and walks off.

I then ring the bell, letting out a grin as I hand Max the money.

"Wow, appealing to the customer's emotions. Good job, Ramirez." Leo nods at me.

"Thank you." I grimace at him.

"I just spied on the Eagles. They're just sitting around, talking. They haven't even sold a single cupcake." Jackie says, running over to us.

"Awesome!" Leo says and everyone cheers.

"Captain, if we win, I thought of a good concept for the Halloween dance. Back to the Future costume dance party. I know Emma would back me up on this, but she's not here." Max says.

"Where is Emma?" Leo says, looking around.

"She stayed at the clubhouse. She had headache or something." Becca says.

"I should go check on her. " Max says.

"Hey, Max, maybe that's not a good idea. Maybe she just needs to be alone right now." Jackie says.

"Yeah, okay" Max mutters, slowly nodding.

"Get you cupcakes!" I exclaim.

"You want a cupcake?" Leo asks Jason in a joking matter and I chuckle at him.


"You're not gonna believe this. The Eagles are selling the tiny cupcakes for twenty bucks." Becca says.

"That's ridiculous." Leo chuckles.

"Unless they're using some fake slogan to go with it." I say and Max nods in agreement.

"Hey, Emma." Leo says.

"Sorry I'm late, captain." Emma nervously says.

"How's your headache?" He asks her.

"Gone. I feel a lot better now." Emma grins up at Leo and he nods at her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I ran out of cash." A woman says to Max and he looks over to me, not knowing what to do.

"It's fine. Enjoy the fair." I grimace at her and she thanks me, walking off with the cupcake.

"Val." Leo says, looking at me.

"What? Who cares? We're almost sold out." I shrug at him as I point to the tray.


"Both teams chose unconventional and gusty marketing strategies to sell their cupcakes to charity. The total amount raised was one hundred and fifty thousand dollars" Louis announces.

"Oh my god!" I exclaim as everyone claps.

"We're gonna be able to send twenty kids to summer camp this year. And as your own little challenge, the winning team outsold the losing team but merely thirty four dollars." Louis says.

"Woah." Max says.

"The winners of the Harvest fair challenge...the Eagles." Louis points to them and my face drops.

"Yes!" Sophia exclaims as they all go in for a hug.

"Unbelievable." Leo says.

"Hey, we tried our best." I tell him and he looks at me.

"I have one more exciting announcement. Our anonymous donor has a partner. And when I told her about our charity, she agreed to match our one hundred and fifty thousand dollars with another one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, which means we can provide forty stem scholarships instead of twenty." Louis says.

"Oh my god!" Sophia says as everyone claps.

"Wait for it. There's a twist." I tell Max and Max and Jackie.

"There is only one condition." Louis continues.

"Of course." Sophie chuckles.

"Our anonymous donor's partner is also one of the top clothing designers for the fashion industry. And she has challenged our students to put on an impromptu fashion show, right now, featuring the Greenhouse clothing line. If you can pull this off, she will match our donations." Louis says.


"Whoo! Go Carter!" I chant as he smiles at everyone and Brooke blows a kiss with some big sunglasses on her face and a yellow dress with some black shoes.

Carter and Brooke start to do some poses and I laugh as I keep clapping.

"That's my bro!" I say.

"You ready?" Leo asks as he pulls me to the start of the stage.

"Yeah." I nod at him.

"Let's do this." He says and I chuckle as we start to walk.

"I'm sorry we lost. It's all my fault." I admit as the claps get louder.

"Socialism doesn't work. But it was fun while it lasted." Leo grimaces and I chuckle as we reach the end of the stage.

I then stick my tongue and put up a peace sign. I then grit my teeth and bring up my bottom lip, crossing my arms. Leo does some poses of his own and we walk back.

Then it was Parker, Emma with Sophie, Jackie with Max and then Emma with Max.

I then see Emma mutter to something to Max, then walking off. Max's face drops and I wrap a comforting arm around him as we all head back to the clubhouse.

Today was really fun.

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