No One Left Behind

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"Could you slow down there? I get car sick on country roads." I mumbled, holding onto the metal bars in the back of what I thought was a van.

"We're almost there."

Sitting in the back of a van with tinted out windows and random boxes in the back, I looked around the dimmed car, only to see what the windshield in front of me would let me. Some random car parts, a backpack, and some random pieces of clothing were all that filled the back, along with me and some O-neg blood bags that were packed inside already.

"Who are you?" I asked, squinting over at the driver.

"You'll know soon enough...right now I have to find the others."

"Others? You mean the travelers."

"Not exactly...drink up, you'll need your strength..." She blurted out, taking a sharp curve.

Reaching my hand over, I pulled out one of the blood bags, devouring the entire thing in a matter of seconds before taking another bag.

"How did you know?"

"...Markos had tried to feed you the other day, but you threw it back up...after a few more tries, I just figured you'd be different than your brother's."

"Brothers? You took Stefan and Damon."

"No, just Stefan...and Elena." She added.

" long have we've been out?"

"4 days...give or take a night."

Taking another sip of the blood bag, I felt the car take another sharp turn and down another long country road.

I had kept my eyes on her through the rearview mirror, but as time pass and my headache worsened, I slid out of my seat and behind the passenger side where I could hide in the shadows.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"My head...I feel like I'm being stabbed a thousand times.

"...sorry about that...Markos gave us orders."

" do what exactly."

"To get in your was harder than we thought. You're more closed up than a bank vault...the most we got out of you was your favorite drink."

"Bourbon." I chuckled.

"After that Markos decided that he would give it a try..."

"What happened then?" I asked.

"You fought...alow. And him being a desperate person, he kept going...that's why I had to get you out of there."

"Wait, so you're not a traveler?"

"After what they did to you and your friends...I never thought that Markos would stoop that low just to get his powers from a teenager."

"A teenager? I'm a lot older than you...but thank you." I questioned.

"There they are."

Feeling her step on the gas as soon as she took her third right turn, I held onto the back of the passenger seat when we suddenly came to a slow stop.

"What's going on?"

"Stay down." She hissed, hearing her window roll down.

'H-, oh...not what I was expecting.' I heard Elena gasped.

'All right. Let's cut to the chase. You're giving us a ride.'

"I don't think you want to compel me when I have your sister in the back of the truck."

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