The Descendents

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Grabbing a handful of blue paint in my hands, I carried it gently as I smeared it across the white canvas. In all directions, I waved my arms around swirling and smearing it until it faded off my fingers. With buckets surrounding me, my clothes had stained from the splatters, seeping through my fingers and toes as I stepped on wet paint.

I had been locked up in the attic for the last few days, hiding from Stefan and Damon. My parents came in and out, leaving plates of food or cups of O-neg near the door for me. James and Sebastian had stayed in the room, helping wrap up all of the overdue paintings I had ignored the last few months and sent them off to be shipped.

"Lauren?" Elizabeth said knocking on the door.

"It's open."

Peaking her head inside, she held the phone up showing me some messages from Stefan.

"What is it?"

"It's about Elena..." She whispered.

"What does it say?"

"...he said she turned it back on, I don't know what that means." She added.

"It means she's back to normal..."

"Is that what this is?"

Letting the fist-full of paint drain through my fingers as I held the bucket close to me, I rose up from the ground.

"No...this is...therapy. I'm a still ruthless bitch, but these past few days I needed something to distract and feeding on people is getting a little boring." I sighed.

"What about practicing? Mom said there're some spells that you wrote, we can go give them a try."

"All I feel is anger, Liz. I'll blow up the house with one of the spells."

"Well, you need some air...fresh air. The paint thinner is getting to your head and mom tastes it in her soup. So...come on. I'll meet you in the back."


"In the back! And change your clothes!" She hissed.

Slipping my phone in my back pocket, she headed out of the room leaving the door open for the smell to air out. Throwing the lid on the paint thinner, I washed my hands on the sink before I headed to my room and take a quick shower.

With my hair wrapped up in a towel, I scrambled to grab some shots and a gray t-shirt before shaking my hair out and tying on my shoes.

"Oh, hey...I was just gonna ask you something." James gasped passing my bedroom.

"What is it?"

"I was wondering if you know anything about a full moon tomorrow?"

"No...I haven't talked to anyone since I arrived." I added, heading down the foyer stairs.

"Why do you ask?"

"I was wandering around in the cemetery, Mom wanted to know about the witches...and I saw that friend of yours, Bonnie...she was doing some kind of seance. I just thought you knew something." He asked, turning to head for the living room.

Walking to the back door of the house, Liz stood near the pond in the back of the house along with candles and a grimoire.

"Don't you think we could've done this inside, Mom hid most of the candles up in the attic."

"I told you, you need air...what better way to practice your new spell than an entire field where you can't hurt anyone." She smiled, handing me the book.

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