Weird Cravings? I Think NOT!

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  OK, Ya'll are hella funny. Pickles and ice cream? Well I'm not sure about that. Where the hell did you hear that crazy shit? Do you not know that that'll just makes more stomach acid? 

  Like yes I know that some do like eating that, but in my own experience, I've now been craving more NORMAL foods. Before I got pregnant, I was eating chicken nuggets with mayo! Maybe I'm just Canadian, who knows? Being pregnant doesn't have to do with taste cravings in my opinion. It's what our bodies are telling us we need. 

  I hope you know that the closer to due date you get, the more sick you get. Your uterus will just keep pushing higher and harder on your intestines and stomach. You'll feel so sick because that shit will stay in your esophagus! You'll sure as hell be feeling that pressure and you'll be chocking on that 'pickles and ice cream' that you just ate. 

  If I were you, I would stay away from foods that have tons of acids and things like that in them. Kinda like PICKLES! 

  You will crave so much food that it will concern you. I went to a mental health doctor to see if I had a freaking eating disorder. You'll eat so much that it will scare you. You might be thinking 'duh, you're eating for two'....NO BITCH! I mean it will Terrify you. I totally thought something was wrong with my mind. I was going crazy. You'll eat all of the time, and for any emotion. 

  You'll crave the feeling of chewing food in your mouth. Cravings don't just go as far as taste. You'll crave to hold things, cuddle, and nest with things. I can promise your house will be way better once you get pregnant. 

  My craving for cuddling went so bad to the point were I was cuddling the damn remote. I honestly hate human interaction, so I stay in my room all day and work on school, and my job. I hope you have something near you to hold onto. You'll need it. You'll crave that bonding feeling so bad that it freaking hurts and you'll probably even cry. 

  Your body is going through a wack ass change and it will be very hard to stand. If you get baby clothes early, then you'll sit there for hours folding and refolding the exact same outfit because you crave the tiny human to be in it. 

  WATER!! You'll crave buckets of that shit. You'll feel drier than the Mojave Desert. You'll crave so much water, and you'll keep drinking it till you're about to puke. You'll honestly crave being a water balloon. You'll want water for days! This one is a bit more harder to explain. Though, I feel like I'm doing a decent job on it. Just listen to me, and get a really big water bottle to carry around. 

  Just like any other ordinary person, you'll crave different kinds of foods depending on how you're feeling. Expect to want foods that you might have not liked before. It's just your body telling you to feed it yummy shit. So give it what it wants. Don't hold back because you think it's not normal...well bitch it is. There is something for everyone on this earth. 

  Weird cravings? NAH let just call it 'the craving games' instead. It's way more intense than you might think. 

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