Loki x reader | Married Couple

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Prompt: You and Loki have to stay at a hotel for a small mission the Avengers have assigned the two of you, however there is only one bed in your room. Plus you have to pretend to be a couple.

        "Why am I not alone on this mission?" Loki questioned loudly as he sat in the passenger seat of your car.

        "Multiple reasons. Number one, you can't be trusted completely yet. Number two, you don't exactly act normal around people all the time." You explained as you drove.

       Loki pulled out one of his knives and pointed it at you. "What do you mean?"

       "This. This is exactly what I mean. Now put it away, I'm driving right now and I don't have time for games." You replied casually.

       Loki sighed but put his knife away. "Fine. But when we get to the hotel I call dibs on the shower."

       "Oh, come on! I'm driving, I should get first dibs." You argued.

       "Life isn't fair, get over it." Loki shrugged.

       "Whatever." You looked at him for a second before looking back at the road. "You do know that we have to pretend to be a couple right?"

        "Of course, darling."

        "Do you know how to act as a couple?" You questioned seriously.

        "You greatly underestimate me. Considering I'm over one thousand years old I'm surprised you think I don't know how to pleasure or date someone."

        "Hey! I never said anything about pleasure and I want to keep it that way." You said, suddenly feeling flustered.

        "Well, you just mentioned pleasure." Loki smirked.

        "Shut up!"


       You checked into the hotel and began to head to your room, somehow you made it to the hotel without dying of embarrassment. 

        "Remember, dearest, I get the shower first. Unless you want to join me." Loki teased, his arm around your waist.

         You glared at him, not wanting to blow your cover just in case anyone was around. "I would love to."

         "It's settled then." He smirked as he opened the door to your room. 

         You walked in and put your bags down as you looked around. Loki followed after you, closing and locking the door. 

         "No, they must have messed up." Your eyebrows raised as your eyes widened.

         Loki stood beside you, leaning on your shoulder with his elbow. Normally you would have pushed him off but you were too concerned with the lack of beds seeing as there was only one. You looked at Loki, expecting to share a look of horror but instead he seemed to be having the time of his life.

        "Wow, Y/n. You really wanted to make this experience very real. Give me a kiss, wife." He teased, puckering his lips at you. You ducked and ran into the bathroom. "That's not fair." He complained. "I called dibs."

         "I need to calm down and relax." You told him through the door as you undressed. "You unpack, I'll try and be quick."

          You heard him sigh before hearing the suitcases unzip. You turned on the water, feeling it to change the temperature before hopping in.


           You exited the bathroom with a towel around your body, having forgotten to bring fresh clothes with you. Loki shamelessly checked you out as you walked by. Loki handed you fresh clothes. "My wife sure has an amazing body."

            "Just go shower, Loki. I'll change out here while you clean up." You couldn't help but smile at how ridiculous he was.

             "Next time we should really save water and just shower together, you know. For the environment." Loki teased as he closed the bathroom door.

              You shook your head and got changed into sleepwear. It didn't take long for Loki to finish, apparently forgetfulness was in the air since he also forgot to bring a change of clothes to the bathroom as well. He wore a towel around his waist. Loki even seemed flustered, heading straight for his clothes.

               "I love a husband that has a hot body." You admired in retaliation.

               "You're not supposed to use the same tricks on someone as they used on you, Y/n." Loki said as he held his clothes in his hand. "If you want to see more of your husbands body I recommend not turning around." He put his clothes on the end of the bed, beside where you were sitting before he started to drop his towel. 

               You quickly covered your eyes with your hands, feeling your cheeks heat up at the little amount you did end up seeing. "A little bit more of a warning would have been nice!" You suggested. 

                "I'm wearing sweats, you can look now." Loki told you as he laid down on the bed.

                 "Are you not going to wear a shirt?" You asked, beginning to feel a little aroused at the situation.

                  "No, why? Is someone getting shy?" Loki teased as he pulled you close to him so that you were in between his legs, your head laying on his chest.

                   "You're such a slut!" You laughed awkwardly.

                   "I love it when you talk dirty to me like that." Loki chuckled.

                    "You are kinky. Anyway, we should talk about our plans for tomorrow. We attend the party as a married couple and we attain as much information as we can. Got it?"

                     "You're so boring right now, let's have some fun. We could go out and-" Loki began to suggest before you interrupted him.

                      "Maybe some other time, for now we need to focus on our mission. We don't have time to goof off."

                       "So you're willing to go out with me? I didn't know my charms even worked on you." Loki jabbed you in the ribs with his finger causing you to give a quiet yelp.

                       "I didn't mean it like that!" You protested.

                       "I'm holding you to the date." He stated.

                       You shook your head. "Whatever you say."

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