Loki x reader | Oblivious

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Loki, trying to figure out how to impress you: Thor, for the millionth time, I'm not going to walk into Y/n's room with my shirt off

Thor: But Y/n will love it


       Loki was charming, intelligent, and mischievous yet he had no idea how to impress you. He had sweet talked his way with women before but you were very different to most. He had tried to flirt with you but it seemed to go right over your head. You had spilled coffee on yourself and said it was hot. Loki flirted back saying you were hotter and you said you were actually quite cold until the coffee landed on your lap. At first he thought you were joking around so he laughed but when you gave him a look of confusion he understood. You were completely clueless when it came to flirting. This caused him to laugh even more. He literally had to explain what he meant. When he finished all you did was thank him with an oblivious smile on your face. 

       That was why he was currently looking for advice from Thor on how to impress you. Loki told him the situation about your oblivious friendly nature and his struggle. Thor put a hand on his chin and looked up in thought for a moment. Loki sat on the edge of his seat in the living room, looking expectantly at his older brother.

       "You could walk into Y/n's room with your shirt off." Thor delivered.

       Loki sat there staring at his brother, wondering if this bitch was serious. When he couldn't find a trace of a lie in Thor's facial expression he pinched the bridge between his eyebrows. "That could easily backfire. And it's not subtle whatsoever."

        "That's the issue. You've been subtle this whole time. I think she needs you to be upfront about everything and I'm sure she'll enjoy the view that goes along with it." Thor gave a deep chuckle. 

        Loki sighed. He wished he could ask someone else for advice but he knew they couldn't keep his secret. You could but this was about you. He loved that about you, he could tell you anything. He told you all about his family and how he was a frost giant and you accepted him still. Loki couldn't help but think maybe Thor's idea was worth a shot but that whole situation would be incredibly awkward if you did not feel a certain way about him. It's not like you were the type of person to tell everyone about what happened it's just that he didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. 

      "Isn't there another option?" Loki looked at Thor with pleading eyes.

      "Other than that you could tell her how you feel." 

      Loki raised his eyebrows and shook his head. "No way. I think I'll just stick to being subtle."

      "It's your choice, brother. But I do think you need to be upfront about this."


       Thor found Loki a few days later laying on his back on the floor in his room. Loki stared up at the ceiling not saying a word. Thor stared for a minute before breaking the silence. 

      "May I ask why you're on the floor?"

      "I'm hoping I'll somehow die if I stay here." Loki replied in a flat voice.

      "You sound like Peter during exams week, what happened?" Thor crouched down beside Loki.

       "Y/n is driving me insane and I have no idea how. I flirt with her and she doesn't realize and for some reason it makes me want her even more." Loki sits up and gives a look of frustration. "I don't even know if I'm making progress with her or if I'm being friend-zoned. I can't read her no matter how hard I try."

       "I told you to not use subtlety on her." Thor mentioned, pitying the state his brother was in.

       "Thor, for the millionth time, I'm not going to walk into Y/n's room with my shirt off." Loki said defiantly. 

      "But Y/n will love it." 

      "You know what, fine. I've reached the end of my rope. If this doesn't work nothing will."

      "That's the spirit!" Thor smiled. "Go get her."

      Loki and Thor stood up. Thor pat Loki on the back, his way of saying 'Good Luck' and left the dorm area. Loki took off his shirt and walked to your room, standing outside the door for a second. Debating on whether or not to actually go through with this. Should he knock or just enter... He decided it would be best to just enter so he didn't back out. He knew you would be in your room since you had just finished your work for the day. 

       He opened your door and walked right on in before you even had a chance to look up he had closed the door, not wanting others to see him in this state. When you saw his bare chest you felt heat rise to your cheeks and your mouth fell open. You looked at his body, not able to stop yourself from staring. Finally, you met his eyes.

      "I... Uh, hi." You greeted, wishing the blush would leave your cheeks. 

       "Y/n, you have been driving me up the wall." He stated as he walked up to you, standing right in front of you as you were sitting on the bed now. You gave him a confused look, unsure of what he meant. "I flirt with you every chance I get and you never seem to notice. If this doesn't work then I have no idea what will. I want you to know that this is my last resort."

      "You've been flirting with me?" You say with surprise, your eyebrows raised and eyes wide.

      "Yes!" He sighed. "I can't stand waiting for you to notice, I'm just going to say it. I love you. I can't seem to stop loving you, I have no idea if you feel the same way but I can't hold it in any longer."

      There was silence for a moment as you took everything in. 

      "I shouldn't have said anything, sorry to bother you." He said with a frown as he turned to leave but you stood up and grabbed his hand. He turned around to face you and that's when you kissed him.

      "I love you too, Loki. I wish I had known you were flirting I figured you were just being nice." You laughed innocently. "I never expected you to do this though." You smiled as you pointed down to his shirtless body. "Not to say that I don't like it."

       "This was Thor's idea." He said quickly. "I can put a shirt back on if you want."

       "No, this is good." You laugh. "I've never seen you like this and I have to say you do have a wonderful body."

       "I guess we match then." He smirked.


       "Here we go again." Loki laughed, rolling his eyes. "You have a wonderful body as well."

       "Oh! Thank you." You smiled wide. "Does this mean we're dating now?" You ask just to be sure.

        "I'd hope so." He grinned.

        "Ok, good. That means I can do this." You say before kissing him once on the lips.

        "Believe me, you can do whatever you'd like to me." Loki winked.

        "I'm looking forward to it." 

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