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Well well well, if it isn't Lightbulb, back again to ruin another so-called undisturbed sleep.

Lightbulb isn't convenient.
Quite the contrary, actually.
I'm getting quite sick of all these issues being present in my life, but Lightbulb, she fuels them all.
She and Blanket dance and party all night long together, but she also takes a few moments during the night to socialise with Tightness.
The trio like to keep me up when I should be resting my head, but..
Lightbulb doesn't let my brain sleep.
She shines brighter and stronger during the late night and early morning hours.
It's her job to keep me awake.

. . .

I wake up in the morning after a measly three hour 'sleep' and drag myself to three kitchen to eat my breakfast.
Sleepy and dazed eyes threaten to close as I pour the milk into my cereal bowl.
After staggering my way to the kitchen table I sit down and stare at the floating chunks of fibrous wheat.
I'm not hungry.
I'm not feeling very well today.

She kept me up until three this morning.

I just wanted some rest..

. . .

If there's one good thing about Lightbulb, it's that she gives me an opportunity to write.
Write the next chapter of one of my books, write in my journal about how shitty my day was, write messages to my friends that they won't respond to because they don't have a Lightbulb of their own to keep them up and online, things like that.

Sometimes she lets me get homework done that should've been completed hours ago.

Other times, however, she meets with Blanket and he doesn't let me do anything I want to do.

He takes away the freedom of choice I have just as fast as she have it to me.

Lightbulb keeps me awake but Blanket sucks all the energy I have out of my body.
He pulls it through my skin and he absorbs it.
Now all the energy I have left is focussed on him.
Thanks, Lightbulb. You know, if you let me sleep he wouldn't be able to take it from me.

You don't care?

Oh, okay.

You know what?

Me neither.

. . .

. . .

. . .

This is getting out of hand.
It's five o'clock in the morning and she still won't let me get to sleep! 
I have an hour of bed time before I have to get up and ready for school, I have two assignments due and I've only finished the first half of one of them.

It's not my fault, I was going to do it hours ago, just before and after dinner but Blanket weighted my arms down and I couldn't pick up my English books.
I tried to pick up my Maths books instead but Blanket held my arms down firmly.

Lightbulb assures me she'll give me a chance to do it later after I've gotten ready for bed.
I stupidly believe her again.

Round and round in circles of her promises.

. . .

Round and round in circles of lies more like it!
Tightness decided now would be a good time to show up and bother Lightbulb and I, just after I managed to open my school books.

Now she's pulled me out of bed to find the pillow I hug when I feel anxious and my study session with Lightbulb is over.

I try to convince her to leave but she insists on staying and letting Tightness do the same.

The two of them keep me up for another thirty minutes, just as my alarm clock ticks over to 5:31, my eyes roll to the back of my head and I conk out.

. . .

I feel groggy.
Groggy and heavy and tight.
Lightbulb, you've screwed up my day again.

Thanks a lot.

I just wish you'd disappear with the rest of them.

Dealing With DemonsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora