~Chapter 32~

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"So what did you do after I left?" Hideyo asked as we began our old routine of walking home from school together.

I gave her a shy grin, "Well, Hitoshi texted me."

"Calling UA Babe by his first name I see," Hideyo noted.

My grin turned into a proud one, "I guess your idea of making guys come to you works."

"Honey, of course it does," Hideyo gave me a look confusion as if wondering why I would ever doubt her. I knew she was joking so I playfully smacked her arm. "So what happened? Anything go on in the backseat of his car?"

"Only the front seat," I joked half heartedly, Hideyo gave me a questioning look of what happened. "Calm down, Hid, we only kissed."

She grasped her heart dramatically and would've completely fallen over if I didn't stop her, "You kissed UA Babe," she choked out between giggles. "How dare you fulfill my day dream!" She punched my arm lightly.

"Hey! To think I was going to ask him to set you up with someone!" I crossed my arms in mock stubbornness.

Her eyes snapped to me, "You're still going to ask him to set me up with someone?" She asked, "I don't deserve you."

"Damn right you don't," I scoffed.

She hit my shoulder again, "Nevermind, maybe I do. With that level of arrogance you might not be able to fit through your own door."

"Thanks for the concern but I'll manage," I joked.

We walked in comfortable silence for a little bit. A few minutes of this was suddenly stopped with Hideyo's rambling. "Do you know what UA Babe's friend looks like? Do you think he's cute? Oh, wait, what if I'm taller than him? That doesn't matter, as long as could kick Tony's ass."

"I'm sure someone from UA could look like a fucking gremlin and you'd think that they're the hottest person to have ever lived," I assured him. "And anyone from UA could beat that string bean's ass."

Hideyo laughed, "You're right, I could just imagine Tony trying to keep with UA students. Like in the sports festival, remember watching that and we kept laughing at that hotheaded guy with spiked hair? Well imagine Tony trying use his quirk on him, that would just end with him getting his ass whopped ten times faster."

"What if that's who Hitoshi is going to set you up with?" I teased, "You know, for shits and giggles."

Hideyo shrugged it off, "I like my guys with a little bit a fire."

"So much fire they have to be chained to the podium to receive a medal?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She shrugged, looking at me from the side of her eye, "Well at least he wouldn't take bullshit."

"This is exactly got you stuck with Tony, you were always trying to justify his bad qualities," I compared. "I mean it's one thing to not judge them for it, but not everyone is perfect, especially the people you date."

"I'll let that comment slide just because of Tony," she muttered before a sigh escaped her lips. "I guess you're right, I was always trying to give him good motives and then he messed with you and I couldn't even do anything about it because I'm so useless. If I had a quirk I could've tried and stopped him. But maybe not, I didn't even know he was using his quirk on me."

"I wouldn't have known either," I reassured, "It's not your fault, I don't blame you. I blame Tony and his horniness."

Hideyo looked at me with a grateful smile on her face, "I couldn't have asked for a better friend. And take a left turn here."

I listened to what she was saying, but not without a confused glance. "Why?"

"The police station is that way, if we really want to get revenge on Tony we can always ruin that perfect record he's always bragging about," Hideyo chuckled. "Now get that phone out, girly, give them the evidence!"

After a few more blocks of chatter we made it to the police station. We walked in and stood in front if the desk, waiting for the lady to glance up. "What can I help you with?"

"We have a complaint," Hideyo began. "Tony Paulson, an American exchange student at Asuka high school."

"What does this complaint involve?" The lady asked, typing on her computer. Perhaps googling our school or checking to see if there were any records of reports on Tony in the past.

I spoke this time, "Well, he spiked my drink at a party and used his quirk on her without permission."

"Do you anything that to prove these claims?" The lady raised an eyebrow and I handed my phone over the desk to the lady. She read the conversation before sighing, "This doesn't prove the other conviction."

"We are aware, Ma'am," Hideyo spoke, "I'm not sure how we can prove it."

The lady nodded, typing some more on her laptop, "Thank for for coming to use with this, just let me take some pictures of that texting conversation and you can be on your way."

Hideyo and I shared a gleeful look, Tony was finally going to get what he deserved.

Life of the Party ✔️||Hitoshi Shinso| Where stories live. Discover now