~Chapter 17~

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I couldn't quite read Shinso as he let me into his house. It was easy for anyone to tell he wasn't sure what to do but that's about where his facial emotions ended.

He was never someone who was easy to read, but now he seemed impossibly harder. Wether that was because he was uncomfortable or the fact that tears still blurred my vision I'm not sure.

Shinso took a seat and I slumped next to him. The leather texture gave me Deja Vu, just like every other time I've sat on the couch.

The wave of tears were already gone but I was certain that as soon as I started talking again another wave would hit me.

"Why were you crying?" He began, a small edge to his voice. I couldn't decipher what that edge was but I filled it in as uncertainty.

I sighed and sat up. I was just going to say it, no need in dancing around the topic, "It's just so stupid!" I began and I caught a glimpse of Shinso scooting back out of the corner of my eye. "There's this dumbass rumor going around that I slept with Tony! My own friend's boyfriend! It's bullshit because even she believes it."

Shinso took a moment to think through my words. "Why do you think she believes you?"

"She's always had a bit of trust issues," I began, not exactly sure how to phrase everything without giving too much away. "Thinking about it now it's more likely she doesn't know what to believe instead of her just agreeing with the rumor. But she won't listen to me, I'm sure of it."

"What makes you so sure?" He quips another question at me.

I sighed again, "Because someone lying to her like this has happened before, she probably won't listen to anyone about this unless she knows for sure that it's either true or not true."

"Are you mad at her?"

"Of course not! I mean... I'm pretty sure I'm not. I can't say it doesn't hurt that she believes a rumor over me but I'm more pissed at whoever started it," I replied.

I thought back to our argument and how each word stung me more than anything Reo ever caused.

"What if it was Tony who started the rumor?" Shinso asked after a small gap of silence. "He seemed... weird at the party."

"You've never met him before," I pointed out, "How would you know if he was acting weird?"

"I'm not sure how to say it but he wasn't acting like I thought someone like him would. Overconfident, can't take criticism, dating a pretty, popular girl... his body language was all off though, more like a kitten then a lion," Shinso explained and I began to understand it better.

"His words said one thing but his actions said another?"

"Exactly, his posture seemed almost nervous when he was asking if he could talk to you," Shinso pointed out. I couldn't prove or disprove this, I had never paid much attention to that stuff. I was more of a surface level person, if someone said it I believed them.

That was probably a habit I should change.

I sighed and sank back into the couch. "Why do people have to be such assholes?"

Shinso nodded, copying my posture, "Most the time they don't think they're being rude when they say things."

"Yeah, cause this rumor got spread out of love," I retorted sourly.

"That's not what I meant. I was talking about Hideyo, if she's really as guarded as you say she's probably not mad at you, just cautious."

"I know," I sighed, my anger dropped into a pit of despair. What was I supposed to do without my best friend?

I wish I could've been mad at her. It would've made things easier for me at the time. Usually, being mad was almost a talent of mine and coming up with reasons to feel that way were simple. I knew why this was different though, because if I was mad I'd say something I'd regret then our friendship really would be left for the dogs.

"Do you think she's home right now?" Shinso asked randomly and I hoped that he wasn't going to say what I think he was.

"I should probably just give her some time, this happened a few days ago!" I tried to argue. I stood back up off the couch, preparing myself to walk home. "Besides, it wouldn't help. She won't listen to me of all people!"

"Don't be a little bitch," he stated blandly before standing up himself. "I think a few days is more than enough time. Maybe she is ready to listen now."

"No offense but I don't feel like emotions is your strong suit," I replied hastily. I didn't want to talk to her. Not now. Not like this.

"What are you talking about? I'm good at reading people," Shinso argued.

"But you don't seem to have emotions yourself."

"Get in the car," was his only response as he walked past me to open the front door of his house.

I shook my head, racking my brain for any other excuses. "She has a dog though, she puts him away before I come over but if she doesn't have a heads up he'll be out and... and... barking. He bites too... like... biting... dogs... don't make me."

"Never too late to conquer your fears," he replied, I knew his observant ass noticed my reaction, I knew he saw how opposed I was yet he was forcing me into this like the bitch he is. "Now get in the car before I make you."

"You don't know where she lives," I replied, me heart slowed a bit as my panic died down. He can't make me do anything if he doesn't even know the destination.

"I took her home from the party, remember? I don't recall exactly where she lives but I could guess," Shinso shrugged before narrowing his eyes, "Now get in the car before I make you."

"I'll just walk."

"Why'd you come over to rant if you didn't want a solution?"

"Because I wanted to rant!"

"Well I don't listen to whiny little bitches that won't do crap to help themselves out of a situation. Now... Get in the car."

I froze for a second. He was right, now matter how much I hated the wording of his sentence, I was just complaining about something that I had control over. This was my problem, why should I expect him to listen if I wasn't willing to do anything about it?

"Okay," I mumbled, "But if I get eaten by a dog I'm going to haunt you."

"Damn, so I'm never going to catch a break from you, am I?" Shinso asked in return with a small, sarcastic looking smile on his face.

"Wow, did Shinso just make a joke?" I asked no one in particular.

"Who said I was joking?"

"Eat a dick."

Update on the Karma fanfic... I'm thinking of doing an AU to make some things easier for me. And I know I don't need any more fanfics but I want to do a non anime one... an IT one to be more accurate.

I'm getting kind of tired of reading the fanfics that almost follow the movie word for word so I want try my own. If I did it would be a Bill Denbrough one.

Anyway thanks for reading! I know I took a bit but oh well. I hope you enjoyed!

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