~Chapter 7~

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I got home from school the next day and couldn't help but let out an obnoxious sigh.

Hideyo didn't get the boy's number and Tony wouldn't let her forget it. He kept saying that if she was going to move on quickly then he would too, but it would actually work when he did it.

With his small comment, I found myself playing out a timeline where he would use his quirk to benefit himself. But I wasn't sure if that was above him or not.

I offered to come over and let her rant she declined which wasn't like her. Instead she just said she'd be fine watching a movie on her own. It was an odd choice for her, one that was vastly out of the ordinary, and once again I found myself thinking about Tony's quirk.

I sighed once more, I can't believe that everything just seemed to falling apart. I was so excited for Junior year but this is what I get?

I flopped onto the couch just as my mom walked in the room, "Your father is having some people over for dinner for his work tomorrow," my mom said.

I looked up to meet her grey eyes, an idea for who could all be there went through my mind, "Who's all coming?"

"Well, Mr. and Mrs. Yamamoto, Mr. Tanaka, and Reo's family!" She clapped her hands a little, clearly thinking this would be good news.

I did my best to hide my horror, should I just tell her now so I don't have to face it tonight?

My mind wandered around the effects of this and they wouldn't be pretty. My father would probably be the most upset, he was over the moon about having two heirs.

"Oh! Yay!" I forced it out but it must've looked convincing because my mom smiled and walked away back into the kitchen.

I pulled out my phone almost immediately and texted Hideyo about my situation but she never answered. I needed to know what to do, what to say. I was never good at improvising or coming up with ideas all on my own.

My mind scrambled for other people to text but no one came to mind. As popular as I was I didn't have many good friends. Just Hideyo and a few other people I liked enough to consider them friends and not just acquaintances.

Keomi? No, she gossips.

Mitsugi? No, he's too innocent to even understand this.

Fujio? No, he'd just tell me to get over myself and have some sex to lighten up.

Haruhi? No, she'd be too nervous to even answer my text.

Ahmya? No, she's too logical and wouldn't take some things into account, like my feelings.

I let out an exasperated sound, not quite a sigh but somewhere along the lines of it. I scrolled through my contacts until I found one and my thumb hovered over it.


He didn't seem like the overly emotional type or someone to care about to other's issues.

I moved my thumb away from his contact, I should fine. I'll just have to get through a dinner and then hide away in my room while the adults share some drinks. No doubt my mom would purposefully place me next to Reo while we eat.

I'll be fine.


My mom called me down for dinner the next day, the day has went by exceedingly slowly. Not only because it was Friday but because I wasn't looking forward to tonight in the least.

Life of the Party ✔️||Hitoshi Shinso| Where stories live. Discover now