Duncan, Defender, Jose: Shut up radiation boy.

John: Anyways no, but lets go

(They start heading west what they are currently doing while going west

Duncan: Eating Lays Barbecue Outside His Ship

Defender: Playing Minecraft UHCs With his friends from his universe

Jose: Writing a novel about his lover

John: Using a kiddie pool to enjoy life i guess...)

Back to Azur lane training/testing grounds

(We could see our glorious Gerald did not get damaged by HE shells by Helena and didn't get set on fire cause he drank the fire resistance potion)

Gerald: Did not get crisped....

London: No damage found next...

Helena: Good bye innocent Gerald *Smiles*

Gerald: Uhm... Yeah...

Gerald's Thoughts: Not like i saw a women naked and approached me like she is like my big sister or something... yeah... that terrified me as fuck...

London: You there Gerald?

Gerald: Loud and clear.

London: Anyways we are switching to AP Shells

Gerald: Armor Piercing Shells

London: King George V you can come in

(Gerald saw King George V at the opposite of his side)

George V: Hey there Gerald how is it going?

Gerald: Yeah good good alright lets get this over with it i guess

London: George you may fire now

George V: I am so terribly sorry about this Gerald dont hurt me after this ok?

Gerald: Uhm.... you do realise that i dont care getting hit at all right?

George V: Want a full salvo?

(Gerald seems scared or imitated by her looks so he decided to go with the "i am scared" thing)

Gerald: Uh... no please!

George: Now be a cute kid and a man at the same time

Gerald's thoughts: What the hell...

In the spectating room...

(The 5 Girls we're casually watching Gerald until someone knocked at the door)

Enterprise: Who is it

Cleveland: Its Cleveland

Enterprise: Belfast open the door

Belfast: As you wish Enterprise

(Belfast opened the door revealing Cleveland)

Belfast: Did you want something Ms. Cleveland

Cleveland: I want to talk to enterprise

Enterprise: What is it

Cleveland: The HQ detected 4 unknown ships just like we firstly met Gerald approaching us but we don't know if they are crimson axis or the sirens either

Enterprise: Hmm...

Illustrious: Any thoughts?

Enterprise: Heres my theory

Cleveland: Then spit it out.

Enterprise: This could sound weird but they could be related to Gerald in other words his Carrier strike group

Everyone Except Enterprise And Unicorn: EHHHHHH?!?!

(AN: I know unicorn isnt shock but lets just say she is confused)

Illustrious: Wait so he has a group

Enterprise: Yes Gerald told me this before we even started the training he talked about how he was in a carrier strike group named Nexus

Belfast: So he is related with this unknown strike group?

Enterprise: He also mentions about having 2 flagship carrier in his group

Cleveland: WAIT 2? That means

Enterprise: Yes whatever this carrier strike group he mentions it must be really heavily guarded and powerful at the same time not to mention it was formed by multiple countries

Cleveland: If you mean by that then.

Enterprise: Yes we could meet their Royal Navy Counterpart the British Navy

Illustrious: Now i am excited to meet them now i wonder how their taste is~

Unicorn: Are they gonna be my Brother as well?

Illustrious: Time will tell Unicorn *Smiles*

Cleveland: So what do we do?

Enterprise: Dont fight them and identify them and ask them if they know Gerald if they do then they can stay as they have relations with Gerald

Cleveland: But what if they dont know Gerald

Enterprise: Ask them if they are from crimson axis if not then they can stay

Cleveland: You got it! Ill tell the others

Enterprise: Good

Cleveland: Well gotta go now cya

Enterprise: Goodbye

Belfast: Goodbye Ms. Cleveland

Cleveland: Drop the Ms okay?

Belfast: I will

(Cleveland leaves the room and belfast closes it)

Belfast: Are you sure that they are related to Gerald

Enterprise: Only one way to find out...

Chapter 9 End

Gerald: Why do i have short screen time

Author: You want your friends to be introduced or no?

Gerald: I want them but CMON i am the protagonist here

Author: Stop whining ill give you cake

Gerald: CAKE? Oh hell yes i want cake

Author: Good

Gerald: I notice this chapter is not really comedic but more serious what happened

Author: The chapter mainly focuses on the 4 guys aswell as azur lane's reaction to the 4 guys and the your carrier strike group dont worry next chapter it will focus on you again

Gerald: Yay

The Lost Carrier (USS Gerald Ford X Azur Lane) (Dropped)Where stories live. Discover now