Part 6

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"One of these mornin's, you're gonna rise up singin'
Then you'll spread your wings and you'll take to the sky
But 'til that mornin', there is nothin' can harm you
Yes with Daddy and Mammy standing by
Summertime and the livin' is easy"

The best time to wander out is in the middle of the night, my brother's main fault is that not even an earthquake can wake him from his deep slumber. The stairs made little sound as I creep down them, my ears perked to detect any sound. The front door was a whole other story. Just unlatching the lock is loud enough for any wolf to hear. I used to sneak out of my bedroom window, but my neighbor caught on and told my brother. That was a very long lecture, one that I barely listened to. Luckily, my brothers snoring continued on as I slowly swing the door open.

In seconds I was already outside whistling to myself as I walk through the towering pine trees. I hated being inside, it made my wolf feel antsy. It would be so easy for me to tuck my tail in between my legs and follow pack rules... yet here I am breaking them at every chance that I get.

"Logan." I hear to my left, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up in alarm. The voice was unfamiliar to me and sounded like it was far away. There was no figure in the direction that my name came from.

"Logan... over here." The voice sounds again, this time closer and right behind me. I crouch down to the forest floor, my hands digging into the dirt. I could feel my claws extend as my wolf becomes uneasy. There was no scent in the air. Usually, a wolf has a unique scent dependant on their rank, pack, and family lineage. Which is the reason why I wear the scent blocker. Yet, the concoction isn't potent enough to cover my entire scent.

This wolf had access to dark magic, something banned by most packs in our region. I've only read stories about alphas driven crazy by the power that black magic has given them. It corrupts their brains, their wolves die within them.

"Whos' there?" I call out, my voice echoing through the trees.

"You don't recognize my voice? What a shame." The voice taunts, now from in front of me. What the hell is going on? Is this just Mason playing tricks on me?

"Show yourself." My voice sounds out. I try and reach out for my brother, hoping that he hears me through his sleep.

Issac, I need help. I'm a kilometer south of our house. There's somebody following me, they aren't a pack member.

"He won't hear you, silly girl. There's no use mind linking your pack members. It's just me and you." The man jokes, the breath of his words caressing the back of my neck.

"Who are you? and why are you following me?" I ask, my lip raising to show my canines.

"Down doggy. You ask so many questions. Just know that I'm not here to hurt you, actually the opposite. Your time is up, they will catch on. It's no longer an if, it's a when. Build your alliances, you'll need support. I don't have too much more time before your pack catches onto me, I'll be back." The voice rushes, his words sounding more urgent. I barely register what he has said before the air sizzles. The air gushes out of my lungs, my limbs shake under me from nerves.

What the hell was that?

Logan!! Where the fuck are you? Your bond faded, are you off pack territory? I swear to god if you got caught.

Issac's voice broke through, relief courses through me. I'm fine, I went for a walk and lost track of time. I'll be back soon, I'm not far from the house.

I get up from my crouched position and dust off my hands. Glancing around me I notice that the sun has begun to rise, maybe I've been out here for more than just a few hours. Did the dark magic slow time? I swear that exchange only lasted a few mere seconds. Morning runs will happen shortly, I need to get home before I'm caught.

I sprint in the direction of my house, dodging the trees and debris that litters the forest floor. I'm fast, faster than most wolves in my pack. My brother always forces me to refrain from going at my full speed during drills. I knew that even if a pack member spotted me, they wouldn't be able to keep up with me. I would be within my house's borders before they can even question if I was really there. Only my faint smell would be left behind, one that most of my pack members aren't aware of.

My brother was waiting at our back door with his arms crossed in front of his chest. A strong frown on his face, his eyebrows knitted together in great displeasure. A smirk touches my lips, knowing that he was going to erupt in seconds.

"Logan. What are you doing out in the woods again? Not only that but right at dawn? Are you insane? If anybody would have seen you it would start an entire investigation. You know the rules, we don't want the alpha in our business, breathing down our necks." He scolds. His frown deepening with every word. 

"We should go inside," I tell him, looking at him straight in the eye. I knew that I needed to be discreet when telling him what happened.  His eyes narrowed, confusion filling his gaze. 

"Okay, fine." He mutters, turning around and entering the house. I follow shortly behind him, closing the door firmly behind me. I then go around the house and close all the windows, and curtains. All while doing so my brother watches me with concern. I turn to him once finished making sure that no pack members could walk by and sneak a peek inside. 

"I know I shouldn't have gone out at night, I didn't want to tell you the real reason as to why I lost track of time over mind link just in case the Alpha or Beta Tuned in." I say, crossing my arms over my chest. The main issue with mind link is that there are only two types of mind links, one between pack members, and one between mates. There was no specific link between siblings. If my brother and I are mind linking just us two, the Alpha or Beta have the ability to listen in. We wouldn't even feel the push of them entering our link. Normally, I would not be so paranoid seeing as they only use that ability when absolutely necessary, but with the Alpha and Issac talking yesterday I wanted to be cautious. 

"What happened?" he questioned, coming closer to me. His protectiveness peaking. 

"I was just walking, my wolf felt uneasy and wanted to be outside. I wasn't stupid enough to shift, but I wish I did. I was a kilometer away from the house when I heard somebody call my name. I didn't hear them approach, nor did I smell them. It felt like he was behind me, then beside me, with no movement. It was male, and I'm assuming a wolf. He had no scent." I whisper. Watching his face as he digests the information. 

"You should have linked with me, I would have rushed over there," he responds. I sigh, nodding my head. 

"I tried. The message bounced back like there was something blocking my mind. He said that I should have known his voice, but I swear I didn't recognize it. Why was he following me?" I ask. Running my hand through my long hair. My brother starts pacing, I can tell that he was trying to figure out the same thing. 

"What else did he say?" 

"He told me that people will find out about my blood, about our secret. He knew everything and was warning me. He said that he didn't have much time, maybe whatever allowed him to be there didn't let him visit for a long period of time. Issac, he told me to build alliances. Is he expecting a fight? Other than Mason, there is nobody in this pack loyal to me. If the Alpha finds out, he will capture me." I whisper out, the reality of somebody figuring out my secret sends shivers down my spine.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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