First day

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I just graduated for Wakins High, going into my first year into college at Vt university . I promise you this story gets a little *cough cough* crazy.. I walk into a big and highly lit building, its nighttime and im all alone. Im fearless really. Looking at my schedule for my first day tomorrow , i decided to come late to get my dorm . I dont like crowds of bitches and thirsty niggas . So i wont have to leave my confort zone. I walk up to the desk and immediately hand the lady my ID . "What a pretty name", she was pale and had some serious cake face. "How do you pronounce it?" She had an annoying ass voice . I thought i was going to blurt it out . "Raaa-sa-sa-l-l-innn" , "Rahslyn" . I said with my bitchy smile , because I get annoyed when people dont know how to read it. "Haha , oh ok , are you getting a dorm or off campus stay or ...", she let me finish her sentence. "Dorm." I said it with the plainest face ever. "Just a second..", she walked away from the desk and walked over to a file cabinet. I pulled my phone out, i check it every time I get this bored. Seeing I got a text from one of my bestfriends in highschool, Minnie.

Minnie : Hey bitch , wya ? Im waiting, im ready to go out ! 😩
Me : Haa , stfu . Im at the administration office right now !
Minnie : Do you know what dorm you got ?
Me : Naaa , not yet . Cake face taking her precious time 😒
Minnie : Lmaoooooooo ! 😂 alright fwm

"...aaannd here ya go", she hands me two keys on a ring and a medium size packet , in bold that says "DORM RULES" , like i care. And my licenese on top. "Thanks", i turn and look at the key tag number says 207 . I walk out the building and called Minnie walking towards the car.

Minnie : Please tell me you got 201 !
Me : No , sadly . But I got 207 !
Minnie : Oh well , your not that far from me , ill be at the main door waiting outside.
Me : Bet

I drove smooth to the curb of the dorms seeing they got a billion speed bumps. I see my bestfriend Minnie nearly running down the stairs. Shes always been the pretty short and thick one , everyone admired. She had a taste for thugs and a mind of a hustler . I loved that of her. She always had my back when it came to boys or men . They both play games . "Yass bitch yass ! Ok drive fuck this shit." We were fuck girls ready to party. "Has Josue texted back yet?" I asked Minnie. "Nah, but forget him, i dont even know if hes going here or not and im ready to move on from all this heartbreak, its ridiculous." Minnie and Josue have been at since 10th grade. Hes a player to death, nothing will change his ways not even a beautiful faithful female such as Minnie. I pulled up at the gas station and got out. "You need somethin' from in here?" I asked Minnie. "Na, ma Im straight, thanks." I hate public places but you do what you got to do, right ? I walked in and looked around, got a bag of plain lays and some orange juice. I walked into the line, and looked at the people waiting to buy their shit and go. But for someone reason. My heart dropped. His face, his eyes, his complextion broke me. He was the kind of guy Minnie wouldnt be attracted to at all, but thought he was perfect for me. I didnt want to stare but god i wish i had the guts to ask for his name and number. I just didnt. But no time for boys, right? I bought my shit and paid for gas. And left feeling damned of myself. Feeling like id get rejected in public. "I have a hard time finding myself", i thought walking to the car placing my goods in the front seat. Pumped the tank. Then drove to The Plankas. Me and Minnie went here often. Drinks, weed, pills. It was no trap , no party , no type of house. It was a home. You knew where eveything was. And it was only a few of us. A family, a home established when we were fourteen, we would run away from family problems and fix 'em here with our other family. No bullshit allowed, you settled it outside. Let "The Laws" handle ya ass. Dont bring attention. Minnie was here often then i was. I mostly came for music and weed and to relax. I walked in and all love was greeted to Minnie and me at the front door. "Baby R ! Where the hell ya been at hoe? I miss you , and you aint been on Facebook and Ion got cha' numba' ?!" "Minnieeeee , oh ma. You still havent grown! Haha , you still 4'9!" We all got together talked , i rolled a couple blunts and started a rotation and everybody just talked. I told them about a cutie I saw at the gas station. They laughed and said, "You'll find someone baby, im -" And then I was stoned. I no longer cared. "Can I plug up my music?" I interrupted , standing up walking towards the media station. "Fuck it , whatcha'got?" Big replied "The Weeknd", I smirked and plugged the aux cord into the speakers which connected to the surround sound. First song "Wicked Games". I faded into someone tottally different from who walked in. I was blind. And feeling empty, i just danced. Slow and head movements went with the melodies. His voice was enchanting and lifting me higher and higher. They past the blunt to me who was standing next to the speaker, i took a huge hit and didnt even cough a lung. I pulled a couple more and passed it to Minnie. Minnie who was swaying with her eyes nearly close taking her hit. Her legs were crossed and she asked me to turn it up a little more. I did. And everybody at that moment was faded and vibin'. Enjoying themselves, some were barred out on the couch jammin'. "Aye lets go for a ride?" Asked my homeboy Big who ran the Plankas crib. Hes a money maker without doing anything. Just looking cute. We all started packing shit up for this midnight drive , everyone stoned . Giggling and just blowed . Trying to multitask. Minnie of course who was laughing the most. Not all of us but 6 of us squeezed into "our" car. It was a 1992 hooptie. Brown and still looks new. Got swangers on too. That's new. Big was driving, everyone squeezed, lit another blunt and just enjoyed the ride. We just continued with hilarious conversations, and my homegirl Brit was in philosopher mode and shit and couldn't shut the fuck up. Big pulled into Burger King and bought everyone something to eat we were muchin'. No one was talking , just eating. We were rolling highly dirty and reeked of weed. Afterwards, Big offered to take everybody home. Dropped Minnie and me off first . So stoned I forgot my car it had all my shit in it. "Fail", im thinking to myself. Minnie didn't have a roommate, just herself and her queen size she said. She took me up to the hallway we are at. Looking around everything, it seems dull and uncomplimentary. Luckily for me I have my keys. "Well baby girl..", Minnie started. "I'm right here if you need me." I unlocked my door and turned on the light and .. "Oh! Oh yes! I have no fucking roommate!" I couldn't have been happier. "Bestfriend..?" When I call her bestfriend im about to ask for something. "Wassup?" She replied. "Can I borrow some pajamas and sleep with you tonight?" Her facial expression changed. "Fine." She wasn't happy that she had to spend another day sharing a bed. Since she had to all her life with her brother. I walked in and see she already decorated and it fits her so so well. "Here", she threw her close at me to put on. "We smell", she pointed out. "Let's take showers in the morning, im still feeling it and I'm tired yo." I laid down with a smile on my face getting confrontable while Minnie stood there with her hands on her hips and mugged at me. "Really bitch?" She jumped in and took a large percent of the covers. "Night slut." I said "Night bitch." She replied.
Then the lights went out

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