Human medicine • 2

Start from the beginning

"I used to think that Silas was my life. But now... it's feels like he's only making it crumble." She looked at his unconscious state, "I shouldn't be telling you this but I don't have anyone else to talk to."

She leaned on the nurses shoulder for support. Nita calmed down feeling the nurse rub her back soothingly. Her mind felt peace of mind for once.

"I get it, sweetheart." The nurse pulled away from the hug, "Deprivating yourself of sleep isn't going to make his situation any better. Go home and get some sleep"

Silas was put into a mental health facility and was finally getting the help he needed.  He didn't know if he could handle being away from Anita this long .

Although, The pair being apart affected the two individuals differently.

Silas didn't know how long he could survive without Anita by his side. Days felt like weeks and weeks felt like months. He didn't have any more suicidal thoughts,but, his mind felt eerily blank now.

Anita felt like the days went too fast. All the new good things entering her life felt like a dream. Anita found a better paying  job that she enjoyed. She discovered new people from her college, that she didn't notice before.

When Anita life got better and better she visited Silas less and less. Silas life felt like it was digging a deeper hole for itself as the months passed.

The questions lingered in his mind of if she had been forgetting him? Or if......she loved him anymore?

Today was a rainy day and Silas just watched the water droplets fall onto his window. He was crawled up in a ball in his pajama like clothing the recovery facility gave him.

"Silas." Silas was taken out of his daze by  the soft voice of the elder nurse lady  that visited him daily, " medication time!!" She said with a bright smile

"Did you hear about anything from Anita?" Silas said giving her puppy dog eyes

"Silas, you know I would have told you if she did. It brings me joy of how much you mood does a 360 when she comes." The nurse said giving him his medication and water

"She has been coming less and less." Silas downed the pills in his hands. He wiped the excess water off his mouth, "Do you think she is forgetting about me?"

"I doubt that. She has been with you through all of your worst moments. Why would she leave now that your healing?"

"Because I have been in and out of these places. Every time I leave , I promise her that I'll do better but always fuck shit up." He explained, "What if she has finally had it?"

"You did keep breaking promises." Silas looked away back at the window with a defeated expression, "Listen, all you can do now is show improvement. She probably feels like she couldn't give you the proper help you needed."

"It's sound like your describing my mother." The nurse cocked her eye brow up waiting for him realize he only proved her point further, "oh shit, she sounds like my mother." He cursed at himself

"Show her that you aren't just a burden but a supportive boyfriend."

"So, you think I'm a burden?"

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