Chapter 34

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Bonjour dear readers ! I hope you all are safe and alright . I can only apologise for another later update .
So here it is ! One of few last chapters.  Keep up with me till the end and I hope you will comment and vote :)

Author's POV :-

With a smal ,compassionate smile she greeted her friend . For the first time  Rosie had her guard up . She seemed distant and frightened and exhausted .
Rachel had to mask her worrisome expression upon seeing her . She wanted her to open up herself to her before she tells her .

"Would you like something hot for drink?" Rachel ,in her all friendly tone asked . She simply nodded her head in reply .

Rosie ignored her thumping heartbeat and ice cold hands and tried to divert her attention to the fact that she was safe with her friend now . In no time Rachel returned with two mugs of hot cocoa . Placing one of them in front of Rosie she tried her best to give her most assuring smile , the one that could shout to her that she was okay with her but was she ? After all Rachel was the cause from the very beginning.  Rosie was brutally dragged in this .

"Rosie , you know you can tell me anything " she started taking a long deep breath , she turned her body towards her so they were facing each other now .

Rosie looked at her with the expression in her eyes that screamed she was gonna burst out crying . But without letting the tears fall she nodded her head , tried to pass her a small smile but failed .

"It's about Brandon ?" Her question sounded more like a statement . She knew it was definately about him . She just did not know where to start explaining from .

"Rachel "Rosie tried to start but she felt lost at words . Her hands trembled as she put the still full mug down .

"He is not the same person anymore" a tear drop landed on her hand as she looked down thinking about everything that had happened in course of these few weeks . How hard she tried to ignore all the obvious signs but boy was she stupid !

Rachel felt her own tears at bay as she looked at her helpless state . She saw her own reflection in Rosie . Less than a year ago she was in very same place , struggling to accept the truth that the man she loved had changed but both of them failed to realize that they were like that from the very beginning . They just made them blind so they could not see how brutally and perfectly they played their hearts .

"It's gonna be alright Rosie . You are strong and you will be fine " she knew those were the exact words she longed to hear all that time she was in Aaron's hell . She wished she had someone to tell her how strong she is to fight back .

Rosie needed those words more than anything . She needed to know that she will get through this without losing her mind .

"He is a stranger. I don't know him anymore" Rosie wiped the tears with the back of her hand . Looking at Rachel she felt at ease . Rachel was one strong woman who had made it without breaking herself , she got herself out of the life that will probably hunt her at times for the rest of her life but she was moving forward with new dreams and new hope and new passion .

"Tell me I'll be get through this . Tell me its not always gonna hurt this much " and she finally burst out crying . Letting the weight lift off her chest piece by piece . A shoulder to cry on , for now that was enough for her .

"It won't . The pain does not stay forever" she caressed her back letting her take her time to cry and take it out . It was better than locking all these feelings inside and let them kill you .

"I love him, Rachel I----" she trailed off not finding enough courage to speak any further . She sobbed harder as his face flashed before her eyes . How could he play her so perfectly,  She never thought this all would be lie .

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