Chapter 5

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I woke up by the sound of birds chipping outside. The sun sneakily found it's way to my face, and i hid under the covers. It was so damn bright.  I yawned tiredly as i sat up in the bed. My blonde hair was a mess so i put it up in a bun. I forced my eyes open, why was i even tired? I had slept for like 8 hours. God i felt like a wreck. I sighed a little before dragging my lazy ass out of the bed. The floor was cold as hell, making goosebumps on my arms. I quickly sprinted in to the bathroom and locked the door. I took off my pajamas and had a little glance of myself in the mirror. I felt my stomach turn. Why couldn't i just be okay with the way i looked... I mean i weren't fat, nor was i fit.. i felt like a.. hmm..blup. I quickly shrugged it off and went in to the shower.

It was finally friday. My favourite day of the week. I smiled a little to myself as i enjoyed how the hot water comforted my body. I didn't have to go to school everyday since i only took math classes. I enjoyed it, but it also meant that i was one year later than my friends at attending college. I didn't even know what i wanted to study, i was totally clueless. My friends on the other hand, had their whole life planned out. My friend Jessie were studying accounting and  finance, while my other friend Molly were studying economics. Great huh?

I felt strangely tired as i got out of the shower. Guess i would have to dedicate the rest of the day to my dear netflix account then. But then it hit me. Fuck i have math lessons with Mr.Styles tonight. I groaned to myself not wanting to spend the night embarrassing myself with my ridiculously bad math skills. I really was the worst. I put on my robe as i annoyingly went downstairs to my annoying parents who made this shitty annoying deal. It was all fucking annoying.

"Good morning" My mom greeted me, standing by the kitchen counter while taking small sips from her coffee. I gave her a fake smile before opening the fridge. "Grumpy this morning, are we?" I rolled my eyes not even bothering to answer, you betcha. She knew i was pissed. "Me and your father are spending a night out, so i'm afraid we can't give you a ride to Mr.Styles'" I gave her an irritated look, how convenient . "Well you should have thought about that before setting me up with him then" i raised my voice a little and she rolled her eyes, putting her black coffee cup down on the counter. She looked at me, and i could see that she was pretty annoyed too at this moment. "Enough with that attitude, how do you think you are going to get your grades up if you don't even put in an effort?" I poured a glass of milk and was about to leave not wanting to have this conversation. As i walked away from her, something caught my ear. "Yes Mr.Styles hi this is Arabella's mother Trish, is there any chance that you could pick her up for the tutoring later, or maybe even have it here?" my eyes widened as i turned towards my mother who was suddenly on the phone with Mr.Styles. I gave her a death glare. She was seriously the worst. "MOM!" i mimicked not wanting him to hear me. She just put her finger up, telling me to shut it. God i hated my life right now. I didn't even care. It was not possible for me to get more embarrassed than i was right now. "He'll be here around six!" my mom yelled and i shook my head in annoyance.

I sprinted upstairs and tried not to spill any of my milk. I closed my bedroom door shut and placed the glass on my nightstand. I crawled up in my bed and got my laptop in front of me. My hair was still wet and were touching the skin of my back, making me shiver. I logged in to my HBO account and put on The Office. I lived for this show. And after 5 more episodes, i felt my eyelids becoming more and more heavy and with that i were fast asleep.

Fuck. That was the first thing that came to my mind as my eyes shot open. In panic, i looked at my phone to see that the clock were 6:05 pm! Oh my god, how did i even manage to sleep for this long? I jumped out of bed and quickly changed into something more presentable. I looked out my window to see a black range rover parked outside my house. Shit, he was waiting for me. I collected my notebooks and my pencil case before rushing downstairs. I looked like i had just stood up from the grave, but i didn't have anymore time to get ready. I put on a pair of sneakers and sprinted outside.

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