Elizabeth stomped towards the captain, “You can't be serious!” 

        The air whooshed again as the two knights took Claire away. Elizabeth shielded her eyes and glared at the captain, grabbing his armor, “You can’t do this!” 

        The knight hit her across the face, throwing her across the room. This time her husband caught her, glaring up at the knight with his gray eyes. The captain took in his silver hair and ashen skin, recognizing the man but didn’t blink an eye. He disappeared without another word, porting to where the knights took Claire. 

        Claire felt the wind play with her hair. She slowly blinked as she strained against her restraints. The chains burned and chaffed her skin everywhere they made contact. She slowly looked up and felt the blood drain from her face. She was at Stonehenge, the sealing grounds of the Guild. It was something like the gallows for mages as many mages were unable to bare living after their magic was sealed. Claire pulled at her restrains again but to no avail. 

        She was chained at the center of Stonehenge within the magic circle etched into the soil. Anti-maigc chains chained her to the ground, pulling her arms tight behind her, forcing her to sit with her back straight. Her legs were also bound to the ground with leather straps around her calves. She looked up and saw the same captain knight from before standing outside the circle, facing her. He was reading out from the scroll from earlier, reading out her rights as a mage and the crimes they accused her of. 

        The air rushed past her as light flashed. She turned to see her friends, Elizabeth, Abby and Dillon coming to her aid. Elizabeth was arguing with the captain, trying to stop him when Melvin appeared with Malvina at his side. The wind was too strong for Claire to hear what was being said but she could tell Elizabeth fighting with Melvin, trying to get him to stop this but Claire knew it was useless. These knights were the Mage Knight Patrol, no one can change their orders but the Head himself and she knew he would never do that. He was probably relishing in this opportunity to get rid of her once and for all. 

        Claire sighed and bowed her head, watching the grass blow in the wind as she accepted her fate. She could never go back. Tears fell from her eyes as she thought of Crystal, wondering if anyone would take her in. She cried as she thought of the MPF and all the new friends and teammates she made, the difference she could have made. But it was when she thought of Raven that her heart wrenched. She sobbed as she thought of the future they could have had, the adventures that were to be made, the fights to be had. Suddenly the circle began to glow, starting the spell to seal her magic. Surprisingly she was dried eyed as she watched the light from the circle play off the grass, knowing that there was nothing to be done. 

        “You can’t do this! This is bullshit!” 

        Elizabeth pushed at Melvin reaching for the captain as she screamed at him, “Mage Wattson, I suggest you stand down or else I will be forced to take drastic measures.” 

        “Measures my ass! Let her go!” 

        “Elizabeth stop. You can’t help her.” 

        Melvin set her back on her feet as she panted, hearing Abby crying behind her as Malvina tried to comfort her, “This is wrong. This is wrong and you know it!” 

        Elizabeth watched as Melvin looked at her with sad eyes, shinning with tears of their own, “There’s nothing we can do.” 

        They stopped when the circle began to glow, the knights positioned around the circle slowly chanting. Elizabeth screamed and ran for Claire, sobbing for her when Melvin held her back. They all watched in horror as the spell began, the rune symbols from the chains crawling their way onto Claire’s arms, branding her skin. She clamped her mouth shut against the pain, not wanting to give them the satisfaction of hearing her cry in pain. 

        Suddenly a figure walked past the captain, walking towards the circle, “Wait, stop! That’s an order!” 

        The captain reached out an arm of air to pull the man back but the air merely dissipated as it touched the man, “You don’t order me.” 

        The captain stood back stunned as the man walked closer to the circle, “Wait! Those runes will harm anyone who walks in!” 

        He stopped at the edge of the circle and glanced back at the captain. The captain was taken aback by the stark blackness of the man’s eyes, “The runes came from my family, created by our blood. They will not harm me.” 

        Raven turned back to Claire, ignoring the sputtering captain behind him as he waved his hand, spreading his blood across the circle. The knights looked around in surprise as their spell was forced to a stop, watching the man with the bleeding hand walk towards the chained Claire. Raven stood over her, seeing her pant against the pain and quickly unchained her. He gently gathered her in his arms and carried her out of the circle. Her eyes slowly blinked against the cloudy sky as she focused on his face. 

        She gave a weak smile as she laid a weak hand over his heart, “What are you doing here? You’re suppose to be in the hospital.” 

        “I was, but then I heard you did something stupid again so I had to come and save your butt.” 

        She gave a weak chuckle as she cuddled closer in his arms, “Who told you such a thing?” 

        Raven smiled as he gently kissed her forehead, feeling her falling asleep, “Your brother, Dillon. He’s not such a bad guy I guess.” 

        She fell asleep smiling as she grabbed onto his shirt, not letting go, even after Dillon took them back to her home and Raven laid her on the bed. She held onto him tight, pulling him down with her in her sleep as they cuddled on the bed, sleeping in each other’s arms. The captain had tried to stop Raven from leaving, trying to take Claire back from him but Elizabeth and Malvina prevented him from going near them. An emergency message from the Head prevented an all-out battle as the Head gave orders to pardon Claire for any and all crimes committed. The captain quickly read the new orders and courtly told his soldiers to disperse; leaving an elated Elizabeth, Abby and Malvina celebrated their friend’s release. 

        The Head leaned back in his chair behind his desk at the Guild HQ. He watched everything happening from when Claire sent the hospital room into another dimension, watching her every move carefully. He was surprised to see her actually save the Black and even more surprised when the Black came and saved her. He propped his elbow on his desk as he looked out the window wondering what more surprises were in store. 

        “I hope not too many. I do wish to live long enough to see her walk down the aisle.” 



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