37 Talking It Out

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        “Listen up! We’ve got some new information.”

        Everyone was in the office for the new day, busying away at their computers and phone calls digging up everything they could. The chatter grew silent as Lucy stood with files in her hand, tapping the board behind her, calling everyone’s attention.

        “DNA has confirmed Sli and Nony being present at the location the fairy Shiya led us to. We also have identified two more girls with their DNA for conformation. Meet Baylie, a 12 year old Slyvan/Human girl. She has the Slyvanian silver hair and pointed ears, along with blue eyes and a darker tone compared to the other Slyvanians. Nalia has also been identified, 7 years old, silver hair, green eyes. Both girls have been missing for roughly 2 months already. DNA has also identified two more girls; one is a Slyvanian girl we have yet to find in our databases and the other is a Trow girl. She’s expected to be of brown skin and hair, she’s also not in any of our databases. Malvina is working with their liaisons to find their names and ID’s. Tessa and Claire are working to track the Trow’s magic signature to lead us to the girls. Any questions?”

        Lucy slapped the files in her hands as she looked around the room. Everyone was writing down the new information and studying the pictures of the two new girls. When no one asked anything or added anything new Lucy dismissed them all and everyone went back to work. The soundtrack of a working office was soon in full mode as phones rang, papers shuffled and people chatted. Claire was talking with Malvina, discussing what was said from the liaison when she turned to walked to the break room.

        She jerked to a stop as Raven stood in front of her, an awkward moment passing between them. They sputtered and bumped into each other as they tried to walk around. Finally Claire ported herself into the break room, leaving Raven blinking looking around for her. Malvina raised an eyebrow as she saw the whole thing and leaned over to see Claire through the break room door, sighing and placing her face in her hand as she leaned against the wall.

        “Now that, was weird.”

        Malvina nodded as Lucy leaned closer over her shoulder, “Doesn’t take a detective to realize something happened between those two.”

        Lucy propped her elbow on Malvina’s desk, “The question is, how do we get her to talk?”

        Malvina turned to look at Lucy, “I think the real question is, how do we help her?”

        She waved a hand, “We help her by her talking, that’s how.”

        Malvina chuckled as Lucy pulled her out of the chair. Being careful no one else noticed they went into the break room and locked the door. They found Claire sitting on the couch with her head in her hands and Shiya trying to cheer her up. Shiya looked around as Lucy and Malvina walked in and silently asked with her eyes for help. Lucy smiled and elbowed Malvina as she went to brew some tea for Claire. Malvina sat down next to Claire and placed an arm around her shoulders.

        “Claire, what’s wrong sweetheart?”

        Claire shook her head as she folded her arms, “I don’t wanna talk about it Malvina, thanks.”

        A mug clanked on the table as Lucy placed it in front of Claire. Claire looked up as Lucy stood with her arms crossed, pointing a finger at her, “Speak.”

        Claire gave a weary chuckled then sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. She picked up the mug and warmed her hands with the fresh tea, staring into the liquid as she spoke, “Raven was over at my house yesterday, having dinner, discussing the case. Afterwards we drank coffee on my veranda, watching the city lights. We started talking and one thing led to another and…we kissed.”

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