37 Talking It Out

Start from the beginning

        Lucy fell to the table as she smiled, “No way!”

        Malvina held a hand to her mouth, “Oh my god, Claire! That’s awesome!”

        Claire shook her head, her friend becoming quiet as she whispered, “He rejected me.”

        They looked at each other then Malvina squeezed Claire’s shoulder as Lucy grabbed her hand, “What do you mean sweetie?”

        Claire threw up her hand as she placed the cup, untouched, next to Lucy, “He pushed me away. We were kissing, getting hot and heavy when all of a sudden he pushed me away. He ran out the door like he couldn’t get out of there fast enough.”

        Malvina rubbed Claire’s shoulders as she soothed her friend while Lucy stood up, pacing the room, “That bastard. I atta rip his head off.”

        “Lucy don’t it’s ok.”

        Lucy turned to Claire, “How could you say it’s ok?! That man practically ran all over your heart!”

        Claire looked up, showing Lucy her tear filled eyes, “I’m a mage Lucy. It wouldn’t have worked anyways and even if that wasn’t the case we’re partners. We can't have a relationship outside of work, it just wouldn’t work.”

        Lucy was steamed and tried to say more but a look from Malvina closed her mouth. Malvina turned back to Claire, “Claire, are you sure? It may be something else you haven’t thought of.”

        Claire sighed as she turned to Malvina, “It’s what I have to think. I don’t think I could take it if he really does reject me so, this is what I’m telling myself. Please…?”

        Malvina shook her head as she hugged her friend reassuringly. They looked to Lucy who stood with her arms crossed, craving blood. Finally Lucy agreed and they spent the next half-hour doing their best to cheer Claire up. Raven watched the door, wondering what was going inside. He didn’t have to wonder to far, he knew it was a ball-bashing girl fest going on in there, especially after the way he acted last night. Raven sighed loudly as he propped his elbows on his desk and placed his head in his hands.

        His desk scrapped as Henry leaned against it, “What ya do now?”

        “Shut the hell up.”

        The sound of ‘tsk tsk’ was heard behind him, “Black you shouldn’t bury your emotions-“

        “-let it out in one big burst!”

        “Shut the hell up!”

        Henry shooed the twins away with his hand. They shrugged their shoulders and went back to work. Henry looked down at his friend, tearing himself apart, “Well…?”

        Raven spoke so quietly Henry had to lean closer to hear him, “I kissed her.”

        Henry sat back up straight and rubbed his chin, knowing this was what was tormenting his friend yet did not understand why, “Congratulations?”

        “No I…,” he got out of the chair and lightly kicked his desk as he paced, “I…I took advantage of her Tanks! I took advantage.”

        Henry looked at him confused, “How exactly did you take advantage of her?”

        “She made me a nice meal. We ate dinner together and we were talking about the case. I was trying to tell her how thankful I was for saving my life and she…she just brushed it off, like it was nothing! Like it happens all the time!”

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