35 подключение

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        “Here, eat.”

        He looked up from his hands to see Claire handing him a plate piled high with hot steamy food, smelling like heaven. It was then he finally realized his stomach was growling like crazy and thanked Claire as he took the plate. She handed him silverware and a napkin and sat with her own plate in hand. They began to eat in silence as Crystal glared down from her perch at Shiya who was sitting back on Claire’s shoulder, sticking her tongue out at the glass dragon.

        Claire gestured to the laptop with her fork, “You find anything on that thing?”

        “Nothing useful.”

        His food gone, he set the plate on the table and sat back against the couch. Claire watched him sigh and saw the anger and frustration he tried to contain inside. She silently took the plates and cleaned up the kitchen, wondering how she could help him. Suddenly her wrist started beeping and she answered the call, hearing Tessa telling her they got some results back from the room they combed through earlier today. Claire’s eyes went wide as she heard the news, knowing the girls will be found. She ran out of the kitchen and flopped on the couch getting face to face with Raven in her excitement.

        “She’s a Trow! There’s a Trow elf traveling with the Slyvans!”

        Raven held up his hand, pushing Claire back to a more comfortable distance, “Whoa, wait, what?”

        Claire sat on her hunches her hands patting her thighs as she told Raven about her call just now, “That was Tessa, just now. The results revealed that there was a Trow elf along with 5 other Slyvan elves, one was even half-human.”

        Raven sat up straight, “A Trow? I thought they stayed in their tribes, away from the big cities.”

        She waved her hand, “Yeah they’re something like the Amish, but this helps us. It helps us a lot!”

        He held out his hand, “Ok but how?”

        She grabbed his arm and squeezed, unable to contain her excitement, “We can track her! Trow’s throw off a very distinct magic signal and we can trace that!”

        Little Shiya floated in front of Claire’s face, “Do you say true? Can we really find them?”

        Claire turned to her, her eyes shining, “Yes we can! Tessa’s already getting a lock on the signal, tracing it. She said we could find them within the day.”

        Both she and Shiya squealed as they felt their excitement explode. Claire held onto Shiya's little hands as she stood and jumped on the couch, laughing as they felt they were bringing the girls home.

        Raven couldn’t help but chuckle, but knew he had to say something, “Claire we still need to find the people responsible. We don’t even know if this is an organization or just some hoodlums.”

        She dropped to her knees smiling in Raven’s face, “Even so, we’ve got ‘em.”

        He chuckled as he lit a cigarette, “Alright, I’ll give you that.”

        Claire squealed, “I’ve gotta help.”

        She bounded off the couch and cleared a spot on the floor by the table. She drew a giant circle and scribbled some symbols then grabbed a mini globe from the table and set it in the center of the circle. She placed her hands on the circle and chanted some words as it began to glow. Shiya sat on the edge of the table, watching in wonder at the power and control Claire displayed.

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