Chapter 8

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So now im on my computer and my ipod is being a bitch whats new! 

Harry's Pov

"Me help you!" Niall snorted 

"Cmon please I love him so much!" I beg "If you did than why did you hurt him physicly and mentally hm?" Niall asks 

"I was stupid and thought my reputation was more important but now since that Zayn guy showed up I relized me mistake!"

"Well thats deep" Niall say rolling his eyes

"I just need to get Louis back please will you talk to him!" I beg 

"What's in it for me?" Niall asks "First off Louis and me are a good couple and deserve to be together!" I point out 

"And why do I care about you guys being the perfect couple" Niall groans rolling his eyes at me

"I also see the way you look at him" I smirk 

"Fine i'm in" Niall giggles

"Yes" I cheer But you do know Louis isn't a cheater and doesn't like those type of strong guys so he wouldn't cheat to go out with you and Zayn is pretty tough so Louis would have a 85% chance with you" Niall hums

"But I need Louis he's my everything we can't be apart!" I groan

"Won't you shut up and listen!" Niall growls

"Sorry" I mumble

"Now if I  want Zayn to love me we have to get Louis to- but I cut him off 

"you mean if I want Louis"

"Whatever I want Zayn you want Louis it doesn't matter just listen to the plan!"

Louis Pov

After Zayn stopped pumbling Harry which made me quite emoutional since I wittnessed my dad hitting my mom like that.

But after Zayn finished up with the fight he comforted me and asked why I was crying.

Zayn took me to the boys washroom and into the handicap stall, "Now would you mind telling me why you were crying" Zayn asks taking me off his jacket

"M-my dad use to abuse my mum when I was younger and they way you hit Harry reminded me of him" I whimper

but before i know it Zayn's arms are wrapped around my waist

Oh babe i'm so sorry" Zayn says hugging me tighter 

I layed my head on his chest and contuined 

"One night while my mum was gone he came home and was drunk- I quickly stopped trying to breath normally from crying

Zayn rubbed my back and whispered in my ear

"Contuine Sweetie"

I let out a sigh but contuined "My mum wasn't home for him to abuse so he started beating me and before I knew it he-he h-he" I stutter

"What, go on" Zayn says rubbing my back faster

"He tried to rape me but before he could my mum rushed through the door as she heard me" I sob

"Is that why you were screaming when Harry tried to rape you?" Zayn asks I nod my head sighing 

"I don't deserve you Zayn I don't know why you chose me" I say with a sad sigh

"Lou i'm the one who doesn't deserve you and i chose you because of your sweat innocent personality" Zayn says stroking my face 

"I love you Zayn, I'm really glad you came into my life" I smile closing my eyes 

"babe were in school you can't sleep" Zayn chuckles 

"Can't we just stay here?" I ask

"Whatever you wish baby" Zayn says kissing my forehead as I close my eyes driffting off to sleep with the words 

"I Love You" whispered in my ear

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2014 ⏰

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