Chapter 7

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Decided to update instead of putting my full attention on my other stories!

Harry's Pov

I'm so stupid!

I tried to rape him!

I'm so ashamed of myself! Why would I do that and Zayn saved the day making Louis love him even more gosh how stupid am I!

I guess I just wanted to take Louis virgintity first before Zayn could try

I wanted to say sorry when I heard singing

I watched as Zayn sang immortal to Louis telling him that he will always and has been their for him when I have!

Well I have been the one who makes him burst into tears but I don't mean to hurt him it's just for my stupid status and when I think about it Zayn is right I should like Louis more than my status! God I'm stupid!

I have to make it up to him but now Louis will only see me as the monster who tried to steal his virginity

Ugh I got to do something to make him love me again ummm

SING! Omg I asked him out with a song! Yes perfect I just need to make him a song that will crush his heart.... In a good way!

Finally finished the song through math class since I didn't really pay attention or like the class

Its called "They don't know about us"

Louis will love it! I just need to find him and show him it!

As I walked towards Louis locker I spotted him with Zayn 

Curse you Zayn Malik! Zayn snakes his arm around Louis making me burst 

"LOUIS!" I yell Louis head looks in the direction of my voice and quickly cowards behind Zayn, Zayn being the over protective over Louis guards Louis glaring at me.

"What do you want Styles?" Zayn glares I roll my eyes at Zayn making him growl

"Louis, I want to speak to Louis" I answer

 "Sorry, not sorry leave now Styles he doesn't want to see you!" Zayn growls "And how do you know that?" I growl back 

"You make him shread in whimpers thats how much you scare him!" Zayn yells and before I know it a crowd is forming around us

"S'not my fault" I yell back

"Of course it is yours! You only pumble him cuz your scared you'll lose your popularity!" Zayn yells

The whole crowd "ows" and Zayn's come back making me growl

"Popularity is the only thing that matter Zayn" I spat

"So your populartiy is more important than the people you love!" Zayn says spitting on the ground

"Maybe" I glare

The whole crowd scoffs at my come back 

"Maybe? Are you serious! How self centered are you! huh your just a little p****! Zayn spat

I open my mouth but before I can utter a word Zayn quickly starts talking 

"You dated Louis and kept it a secret! beat him up at school for your reputation! Called him unforgiveful names and you exepect him to go with it!"

The whole crowd gasps people all around with everyone saying the exact same thing

"ew Harry's gay?" 

"He looks like a fag"

"I can't belive he did that to Louis"

"What a b*"

"Why is he popular?"

"Why did Louis let him do this to him?"

"Louis deserves Zayn not Harry"

All those words scared me 

All of these years I bulit up my popularity and now its being thrown down by the new kid Zayn!

Before I know it my fist connects to Zayn's face

Zayn doesn't hesintate to hit back, really hard! "This is for breaking Louis heart!"Zayn says punching me square in the stomach

"This is for beating him everyday!" Zayn says once again but this time punching me square in the face 

"This also for being a coward with your f* relationship! He says slapping me across the face

I let out a grunt at the pain,this also for being a d* He yells giving me another strike but before he could do anymore I quickly tackle him punching him as many times as I can 

"Please Harry get off of him!" A small voice from behind me begs 

I turn around to see Louis with tears in his eyes 

"Why are you- but I was cut off m=by a hard punch being brought to my face 

"ZAYN PLEASE STOP" Louis  begs grabbing a hold of Zayn's arm as he tries to hit me again with his fist

"This isn't over your glad Louis saved your lousey A*" Zayn spat grabbing Louis and stuffing him in his chest walking away 

I fall on my knees as the pain Zayn gave me fianlly hits me 

"Now you know how Louis feels when you beat him but its even worse" an Irish voice says from behind me 

I turn around to see Niall Horan 

"What do you want Horan?" I growl "just wanted to tell you that i'm happy Louis isn't dating your lazy a* anymore he deserves better than someone like you and now that your reputation is dead! for being gay and for doing that to Louis! Happily ever after for Louis but not for you!" Niall spat walking in the direction Louis and Zayn walked in 

Niall I shout he turns around and glares 

"what!?!" He growls

"I need you to help me get Louis to like me again!"

Nobody Sees, Nobody Knows, We Are A Secret Can't Be Exposed (Larry Stylinson and Zouis)Where stories live. Discover now