Chapter 1: new world

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Y/n pov

I woke up to what seems to be a abandoned home. I get up and look around but then I heard moans beside me. It was my mother! I kneel next to her and wake her up. She opens her eyes and see me. She then proceeds to bear hug me like I'm about to die or something. Which I am!

"Y/n! Oh thank goodness your safe! I thought I lost you forever!" She says crying into my chest.

"It's okay mom I'm alive but now. Can. . . . You. . . . Let. . . . Go of me? . . . Pleeeeaaaasssseeee?" I plead out of breath. She let's go of me and I immediately take in as much oxygen as I can.

"I'm sorry son! It's just that after you past out we were both sucked in by a hole of sorts and now we're here in this old home." She clarifies.

Now it makes sense how we are here but that doesn't explain 'where' we are.

"I'm gonna go look outside mom why don't you look around the house to see where everything is at ok?" I say to her.

"Okay sweetheart just be careful ok?" She asks me. I nod then walk outside.

Once out the door I take in the views and landscapes. It turns out that we are in a neighborhood of sorts I walk around for a bit. It nighttime so everyone is in bed. After some walking around I find a sign that says 'Maplecrest' that must be the neighborhood's name.

The place was lush with green grass and trees. It looked pure for the most part. I looked around to see the layout and found a school there. I kept a note of that just in case.

"So we're in maplecrest Okay. Now we know where we are but what's outside the area?" I ask myself.

At the gates I see a city not to far from here. I decried to head back to the house where mom was at. I informed her of the location and name of the community. I then tell her that I'm heading to the city for food and supplies. With that done I head out and explore.


The city is massive! It almost resembles New York in a way. The lampposts were fashioned in traditional 1970s architecture and metro diners and cafes can be found everywhere! It was like a dream come true! My eyes were stars my dreams has become reality. But what caught me off guard were the animal people. I see cats, dogs, birds, and fish in the form of animal people. I decided to hide my surprise to not draw suspicion.

After walking around for a good half an hour I find a diner in the distance. I was going to walk I've their but I realized. If me and mom are in a different place then the currency is going to be different too. So I went to find something else.

My luck then turns up as I see a casino in front of me. The architecture resembles Egypt as their are statues of Anubis and Horus at the front. But there are statues depicting a woman. She must be the owner. I decided to check out the casino and see what it's about.

The casino was astounding to say the least. It was so big that it could rival the casino chains at Las Vegas! But then I heard singing. I look led to the stage in the middle and saw a woman singing.

She wore some 'suggestive' clothing that's for sure it the guest weren't in the slightest caring

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She wore some 'suggestive' clothing that's for sure it the guest weren't in the slightest caring. But what caught me was that she was staring right at me the whole time she was singing. I decided to book it and run out of there before she finishes singing and looks for me.

I made it out of their in time and walked away. That was weird why was she staring at me? What do I have that caught her interest?" I ponder these thoughts before accidentally bumping into someone causing them to fall over.

"Oh I'm very sorry! I wasn't looking an-" I was interrupted.

"Hey ya' blind Johnson! What's the big idea!?" I then open my eyes to see a girl with weird arms and a cigar in her mouth.

"Hey ya' blind Johnson! What's the big idea!?" I then open my eyes to see a girl with weird arms and a cigar in her mouth

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"Um excuse me. But aren't you not at age to be smoking?" I asked her.

"Hey just because I'm a kid doesn't mean that I can't smoke buddy!" She yells at me while pointing her gun at me.

Reflexively I hold my hands up and shake them from side to side.

"Like I said I'm very sorry so can you please put the gun away?" I ask politely.

She complied and puts the gun away.

"So what's a wimp like you doing in new meridian? I know yer not from around here considering your poor choice of fashion Thompson." She says to me.

"First off I'm not Thompson, I'm y/n and second yes I'm not from around here." I answer her.

"Okay Thompson nice to meet ya. Names good ol Patricia Watson or you can call me peacock for short. So what brings you to new meridian Thompson?" She asks me.

I'm not sure if I should tell her about me and my mother. I remember that sharing information in the 1970s is basically yelling out 'Hey it's me everyone come and kill me!' I'm not going to tell her at the moment. I need to be smart about this.

"Nothing that important. I'm just adventurous that's all." I lie to her.

"Hmmmmm." She hums. I grow nervous as she may not buy the lie.

"Well being adventurous around here can get you killed y/n so be careful alright." She says to me.

"I will peacock and thank you." I say to her.

"See ya later Thompson!" She says as her rocket shoes launch her into the sky.

"Well that was eventful. Even though I didn't find any food or money I at least know a little bit more about this world. Now let's head home an-"


I rush over to the voice to see two girls wounded and beaten, surrounded by thugs. I couldn't just stand there and watch! But I also couldn't fight. My decision was made for me when the thugs noticed me.

"Hey what're you doin here kid? Don't you know that it's rude to interfere with other's affairs?" He says he walks up to me with a switch knife in his hands.

He goes for a stab to my neck. I held my hands out defending myself when all of a sudden I here a blast go off. I look at the thug again and see that he knocked unconscious by the flames that came from my hands. The girl with the black hair then took the opportunity to knock out the other two thugs with her . . . . Hair?

When that was over the one in a maid dress took my hand and we ran off back to Maplecrest.

New life new fate (Male reader x skullgirls)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя