Her Caution

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Azerear's Point of View:

What a charming girl. So mature for her age. Well, it shouldn't be surprising since she has three souls inside of her. One of a cold-hearted sociopath, another of a crazy madman, and finally a doubting mind. All three are equally powerful in their own ways, but something about the third one just doesn't sit right with me. Probably because of its past life.

I am the 2nd Prince of Thornvein, and I am currently inside the guest bedroom I already knew where due to the many times I've visited here. Quite funny that the genius Katherine offered me an open chance to be able to test her daughter. I sighed. Sometimes, I just can't see what that woman is thinking. She only has one soul just like any other person. But it was dangerous. The soul was colored pitch black. Obvious hatred seeping out of it. Does she hate her daughter?

Speaking of Venice-chan, she's been continuously doing training. How could have I known? Am I perhaps a stalker? Well...

There's always a huge glass window in my room.

Snorting, the girl is going to lose. Charm is my magic. Literally.

Though it's just side magic, I've always used it to the point I unlocked many abilities using it. Such as Serenity, a spell that can inflict calmness towards people. Guilt, Somnolent, Hypnosis, Luck, and most importantly Attraction.

My mana is at the peak along with my strength, there has been no one to resist my side magic. Except, of course, my father and my older brother. Even with their power, they can still slightly feel the effects of it. As an Incubus, this is perfect magic to have. While though my father and siblings are Incubus, they have magic more... destructive.

So they usually send me on these types of missions. You know, the calm and peaceful types? They consider bringing back the mortal contracted to a goddess peaceful, and can't do anything about the deal because I'm officially in charge of this. You see, there's a law in Thornvein that whatever mission you are assigned to, no one will be able to intervene until you finish it.

HAH! Take that you pathetic excuse of a father!

"You have a smug look, wipe it off."

I let out profanities as I fall and land on my ass. Scowling at the person, I was about to yell when that scowl turned into a jaw drop.

"What? Never heard of a transformation spell?" Venice-chan sneered.

Blushing deeply, I couldn't help but awe at her appearance. Her fluffy white hair turned curly and was put into a ponytail, seemingly shorter. While her ruby eyes seemed to be sharper. She was wearing a black spaghetti shirt that revealed her perfectly built collar bone and had a black jacket that was pushed down to her elbows. A white belt held what was her tight black leather shorts, accentuating her thighs that wore black stockings all the way to her knees. She had a string necklace with a white cross and a black hat on her head.

Fuck she looks sexy.

"I just came by the return your handkerchief. Don't think that you've already won." Venice-chan stated as she throws a red handkerchief to me. Ah. This was my little sister's first embroidery, I'd be dead if she knew I lost it.

"Don't say such a pathetic excuse if you're coming here looking like a snack." I teased licking my lips as she turns red," You little piece of shit--"

As I listen to her curse profanities at me, my eyes were glued to those pair of ruby orbs. Now, where are they from~?

"You're... What are you doing?!"

I chuckle," I'm checking you out, isn't it obvious?"

"You have no sense of dignity do you?!"

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